Part 1

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"Wally the movie is so boring" Zantana her voice smooth but also aggravated from the speedsters choice.
"I agree with Zee I think we shouldn't have let you choose the movie Kid Idiot" Artemis had to admit she was agreeing with the girl it was a totally boring movie.
"Oh come on guys it's not that bad"
The speedster thought the movie was funny and cool yet he's the only one that likes it.
Megan, Connor, and Kaldur stayed out of the conversation but all agreed with the two girls that the movie was boring.
Wally let out a long sigh, this is how they were spending there down time? Wow even he believed it was insanely boring. The team went to the movies when the League had other things that didn't concern them.
"Well do you guys wanna do something else now that it's over" he asked kinda bummed out that they were already bored and it wasn't even 11.
"Do you guys wanna head back to the cave I'll call Red T" Artemis after looking around at all the nods but a pout from the speedster proceeded to contacting there den-mother. "I think he is busy"
"Call Supes or Bats" Wally suggested but Connor grunted when the mention of the man that loathed him was named.
Artemis gave a quick nod and chose to call Batman first. When no answer came she decided to call Superman and he soon answered the call "Um kids right now isn't really a good time to call"
The teens looked puzzled "And why not?" Kaldur the leader inquired.
"Umm..." After a long sigh he spoke again but only after making his voice calm and controlled to hide the utter chaos he had "Batman was injured severely and on the brink of death by an assassin" the kids mouths dropped in shock while he continued "He had to call the League and after over an hour of fighting we contained him and were going to use the cave to question him"
Wally didn't wait before he practically yelled "Wait Batman was hurt by one man? And that same man was almost to much for the entire League?!" To say Wally was shocked was and understatement.
"If it is alright we would like to return to the Mountain and see you interrogate the assassin" Kaldur spoke for all the team because he knew if he wanted to watch then surely his team would too.
"I'd advise against that but since Batman wants to interrogate him as well I will allow you to" the team had smiles while the Superman had a worried look on his face that the teens were to excited to notice it in his voice.
"I will see you at the Mountain in 10, Superman out" and than the conversation was over.
While the team were in the ship discussing what was on there mind about there current predicament Wally couldn't help but feel curious. 'How could one assassin hurt the great Batman and give the League a run for there money?'
I'm a Talon, my real name I think is Richard Grayson but I only really go by Talon. I have to kill the Batman and I'm not nervous but anxious because I don't want to fail or something bad might become of me.
Fail is not an option.
I jumped many tall buildings in hope of finding the stupid Bat somewhere. 'Where could a Bat be?'
I already knew his identity as Bruce Wayne but I know he won't be home this late plus I'm after Batman not the Playboy millionaire.
It seems like hours that I've waited but it has barely been an hour. I just want to get this over with!
I was creeping behind a building when I noticed something or someone's presence not far from my location. The Batman.
"Took you long enough" I said trying to sound more than confident.
He didn't speak but underneath that cowl I could tell he was giving me an incredulous look.
We stood stone still til I finally spoke again "It's your time to die Batman"
He rolled his eyes and in that moment I leapt into action throwing punches, kicking and blocking his hits with flips and my shoes. I avoided being close til I saw my opening. I grabbed my knife (specially designed for his Kevlar) and slashed and stabbed. Before he could comprehend his state I was pouncing and attacking with everything I got.
He jumped back far enough away from me to catch his breath. I knew I was succeeding so I calmly walked over to him.
Before I was in front of him he pressed two fingers to his com-unit in his ear and said "Batman-01 request all League emergency to my location"
I was shocked The Batman would ever willingly ask for help so I became snarky "Am I too much for even you to handle aye Bats?" I chuckled for as long as it was funny and that was for a while.
Just when it was time to go back to seriousness the stupid League showed up. The fight when on for over an hour, they took Batman while I was distracted with most of the League but I looked over to where he was leaving to and that's when Superman got a good hit to my temple and I was out.
I could hear the faint voices before I was totally out saying things like "What do we do now?" As well as "He needs to be interrogated " and than I was consumed with darkness.
When I finally came to I was in a sort of elevator type of thing with Batman on my right and Superman on my left while I was sprawled on the floor with many many many restraints.
"What did I miss?" I asked in a snarky tone that gave me a evil bat glare and a grunt from the Kryptonian.
When they finally spoke it wasn't to me it was to the whole League and some of the youngsters that made a Mini League and they all had there eyes trained on me. Wow now this was an interesting turn of events.
(Wally's POV)
We showed up to the Mountain and
were immediately surprised to see that all the League excluding the Kryptonian and the Bat were there. They had a chair prepped with cables and restraints for the assassin.
This guy must've been that bad to have them go all out.
My thoughts were interrupted by the Zeta Beam "Batman-01, Superman-02, Guest-c01"
We were all thinking the same things, the assassin would be big, strong, old, and scary. But the person i saw was nothing i assumed.
We were all nervous and anticipation were killing us. The assassin was good. Real good.
Most of the League went against the assassin but some were lucky not to. When word was spread on a attempt at Batmans life, like a real attempt we were all shocked. Usually since he lived in Gotham he always had that but this was the first time he was actually injured and called the League for help. The Batman never wants help especially in his own city.
The League had rushed Batman to the Watchtower, while the rest stayed behind to guard the assassin. Of course Batman wasn't in bed for long. He was unwilling to stay put and wanted nothing more to interrogate the assassin that was so close to taking his life.
That's why we're all waiting with the YJ setting up the arrival of the assassin. We could tell by the looks of the teams they were as shocked as we were. Black Canary was still not to keen on taking him here but the rest of us thought this is the only place safe enough and well guarded enough.
It was mostly silent in the Mountain til the Beams went off " Superman-02, Batman-01, Guest-c01"
The three figures appeared finally, Batman and Superman had there eyes trained on the mysterious assassin making sure he can't get out of there hold. Batman looked as if he hadn't had an attempt on his life but the older Leaguers can tell when it's a cover, and it was.
Everyone in the room, mostly the teens inched forward for a better view of the three. They were curious and excited to see the assassin, skilled enough to injure the Batman. But everyone was surprised at what they saw.
They had been prepared for a strong man, buff as the Superman, or perhaps a figure as lithe as Canary, able to sneak into places unseen. But what they saw was a young boy, barely in his teens, with messy black raven hair and pale skin. The boy wore a cloak of feathers around his shoulders, and a black skin tight suit, full of pockets that were now emptied ( the team already took everything out for a precaution) that could hold many weapons. They couldn't see his features due to the mask that was covering it. His head was lowered not meeting our eyes. Superman grabbed him and sat him on a chair and tied him with steel cables.
"Isn't that a bit excessive?" the Martian teen asked.
The Man of Steel shook his head, "He's already shown us how well of an escape artist he is. We're not willing to take any chances"
The boy looked up eyes obscured by yellow lenses, "Nice to know you guys think I'm a threat" his voice light and teasing.
We were all taken aback by how young he sounded.
Superman looked disconcerted by it, but Batman was merciless. He stepped forward, "Who are you?" using his darkest glare.
The boy simple smirked, "I'm surprised. I thought you were the Worlds Greatest Detective? Though, I suppose this is a tricky one, isn't it?"
Batman's eyes narrowed beneath his cowl, "Stop fooling around. Don't think just because you're young, we'll be sympathetic."
The boy didn't show any outward emotion while the rest flinched at the bat, "Oh yea? I don't think your colleagues would agree."
Batman glanced around; all the other heroes looked very uncomfortable at such a young assassin. "I will ask again, but my patience is running out! Who are you?"
The boy blinked, "Wow, your not traught are you ?"
Batman's eyes narrowed, "Traught?"
The boy shrugged as much as he could with the restraints around him, "You know, opposite of distraught. Kind of like, like is the opposite of dislike and aster is the opposite of disaster."
The speedster shot everyone's attention from the boy to him by snorting at the kids comment. Then noticing the discomfort he asked a question that we were too dum to ask before, "Why are you dressed like an owl?"
"Why are you dressed like a pylon?" the assassin shot back.
The Bats eyes widened, imperceptibly, "Beware the Court of Owls" he murmured under his breath but everyone could hear him, "that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime." The boys eyes widened in shock.
The young archer continued, "They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send the Talon for your head." by now all focus was back on the boy.
The Flash asked the question that everyone outside of Gotham wanted to know, "The Court of Owls? The Talon? What does this all mean?"
Batman kept his eyes on the assassin but answered,"The Court of Owls is an organization and secret society in Gotham. They've existed for around a century, kidnapping children to turn into assassins. They were long thought to be a conspiracy, but I started investigating a while ago-"
"Yeah and apparently they found out and sent the 'Talon for your head'" chimed the speedster
"Wait", Wonder Woman stepped forward,"Your telling us this boy is the 'Talon' in the rhyme?"
"I'm right here!" the Talon said exasperatedly.
Batman ignored him,"You saw what he can do. Do you think I can be taken down so easily by a kid?"
"I'm not a kid!" the Talon exclaimed.
Batman turned towards him,"So your confirming to us you are 'the Talon'?"
The Talon immediately shut his mouth, but it was too late. Batman just nodded, "Thought so. Now who are you?"
The boy turned his face away, averting his eyes. Batman reached out and grasped the mask covering the boys face. The Talon tried to lean away as best he could but the steel ropes holding him gave him no slack. Batman took of his mask.
The Talon glared at them now maskless.
Everyone in the room was shocked. His eyes were gorgeous blues that looked like crystal clear ocean waters on a bright perfect day. His eyes made them realize just how young he was.
The Batman never showed emotion but clearly he had shock written all over his face.
"Richard Grayson," the bat said. The Talon turned to him his eyes widening in absolute horror, "Last surviving member of the Flying Grayson's."
The boy shut his eyes as Superman stepped forward,"Who ar- were the 'Flying Grayson's'?"
Batman looked down at the boy remembering the incident many years ago,"They were a family of acrobats in Haly's Circus, only family in the world that could do a quadruple flip on the trapeze. They performed without a net for more publicity. During their tour they went to Gotham, the ropes holding the trapeze snapped and they fell with no net to catch them. Richard survived because he hadn't jumped yet." The room looked at the boy with sad pity expressions while Batman continued, "He disappeared a week after the acci-"
"It wasn't an accident!" Richard shouted. He glared, his eyes on the brink of tears and in a calmer voice, one very distraught, "It wasn't an accident."
"What do you mean?" Aquaman inquired.
He sneered,"Exactly that. It was murder. He murdered them!"
Black Canary asked,"Who did it? Maybe we can- ?"
Richard let out a snort, "Help? No. Zucco" he spat," thought it was funny to watch them fall, he wasn't laughing when he fell."
Everyone gasped and Artemis burst out," killed him?"
"He deserved it!" he shouted, "Like your one to talk, Artemis."
Her eyes widened," Wh-what do you mean?"
He snorted, "You don't think the Court puts tabs on the people living in 'their city'? Please, we know exactly who you are Artemis Crock."
The teens looked at her with dumbfounded expressions, "What is he talking about?"
Artemis stammered her excuse," You seriously believe him? He- he's killed people!"
Richard interrupted what the teammates were going to say," Yeah, last time we checked so did you. How's Chesh doing?"
The team looked at her and Wally said," Chesh? Does he mean Cheshire? Why would you know how she is?"
Artemis was close to tears," I-I.."
"Enough! That is none of your concern, Richard," Batman interrupted.
Richard narrowed his eyes,"Don't. Call. Me. That." he stated icily
Superman tried," Let us help you. We can help you. You can have a chance at a new life, without killing, a new-"
Before the Man of Steel could finish the Talon interjected," I don't think you understand. I don't want your help, don't want your pity and I sure don't want a new life. I am an assassin, and that will never change, no matter how much you want it to." He stared at Artemis while saying the last sentence with as much venom as he could muster.
"Well as of now you have two choices," Batman said, "We'll offer you a deal because of your young age."
"I thought you said you wouldn't be sympathetic towards me?" he said cheekily.
Batman growled. "Wow someone's not feeling the aster."
Superman continued for Batman, "You can either give up your assassin days and stay here and try to remake your life or we can send you to juvie."
Talon raised an eyebrow, "What if I choose neither?"
Batman leaned down so they were face to face, "Then we choose for you."
Talon glanced around the room, "Well, then, I guess we'll just have to see what happens next, shall we?"
Flash furrowed his eyebrows beneath his cowl, "Wha-"
The lights shut off, and the sound off metal hitting the floor echoed throughout the room. The Lanterns quickly used their rings to produce light while everyone else got into a fighting stance, warily. They looked back at Talon and saw a pile of metal cables, sliced through.
Superboy leaned down, "How on earth he cut through these? I thought you guys took all of his weapons?"
Batman and Superman exchanged a glance, "We did," Superman said.
Batman started moving swiftly, but not as fast as he usually would uninjured, "He must be trying to get his weapons." The heroes all trailed after him, hurrying to down to his room. Batman swiftly looked inside before cursing and slamming the door. He started moving to the Zeta Platform with the League and Young Justice trailing behind.
The Green Lantern raised his ring to spread the light, when the lights turned on. All of them winced as their eyes adjusted to the light. What they saw made their eyes widen.
The Zeta Platform was empty, but there was a single feather, that looked to be from Talon's cloak along with a note.
"Beware the Court of Owls
that watches all the time,
ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch,
behind granite and lime.
We know your secret identity,
we know your tragic past,
spend your time most wisely,
for any day could be your last!"
Gosh I just got this assignment and already I'm failing.
I had the Batman, so close to completing my goal and yet so far away.
Well first I'm getting out of this stupid Mountain it's not that big but it has a lot of rooms. Is my stuff even here?
Well I can already tell they got my note so I better hurry and hide. But I need my knife, without it I-I can't kill the Bat and if I don't yeesh I don't want to think about it.
I hid in the ducks, so quiet even the Worlds Greatest Detective wouldn't be able to notice me.
I heard voices echo throughout the Mountain sounds like "Where do you think he went?" and "Is he still here?" and a gruffer voice saying "We must find him" so I'm assuming if I don't find the rest of my weapons especially my knife than I'm gonna be caught again.
I noticed a dark figure pass and he has on his belt a gleam. My knife.
And the dark figure is the one and only Batman.
I wait until he is alone and attack. Surprisingly he dodged my attack.
"Why are you doing this Richard?" he asks me hope etched in his voice.
"It's my mission." I state matter-of-factly.
Before he could say another word I grab my knife from his belt. I try slashing but obviously he has learned to not underestimate me.
We keep this going and all my focus is solely trained on him. Sadly that makes me oblivious to the other voices all around us.
I turn around in an attempt to look around and in that moment the Kryptonian teen decides to fling me with all his might into the wall. My head went first with a hard WHACK! and I couldn't stop but scream. The pain was unbearable. I went unconscious.
Before I was taken completely under I heard a voice, I couldn't tell what he was saying but my main wonder Was I dead?
Richard and I were in a battle when Superboy decided to fling him with almost all his might into the wall away from me.
I heard the sound it made when his head hit and I heard his scream. It was the same scream he made the night he lost his parents. It was the old Richard.
When he lost consciousness we noticed the blood and head wound. I called in my private doctor. Me and the League waited outside the medic door and after several hours Leslie came out, "Hello Batman"
I didn't even greet her,"How is he?"
Leslie noticed my distraught expression that was hidden under my emotionless one and decided to sigh before speaking again,"He is in a coma, the massive blow to his head has cause him to go into a coma" my eyes widened and she continued,"I'm not sure how severe yet but I believe due to the blow he lost some maybe all of his memory."
"Thank you. Do you know when he will be out of it?" I gave her no emotion again because although I felt bad for the kid I also deeply cared and that scared me, me the Batman.
She could sense my sadness and decided best to tell me the truth," not sure, he could wake up any day or not at all" I nodded and understanding and she left.
When she was all the way out of the Mountain, Superman approached me, "What did she say?"
"He is in a coma and might have memory loss" I said with not an ounce of emotion.
"Bruce he needs to go to jail" he tried to be cool about it but I knew he was telling me the truth.
"Let's see how he is before we jump to anything" he understood my reasoning and nodded.
We left after that and didn't return till days later. The League called us with high priority and we rushed to the Mountain. They led me in with Superman trailing behind to meet with the boy who was a Talon. Richard.
When we walked in he was different. He looked scared, confused, and like he didn't know who everyone was.
Maybe the memory loss was worse than what we originally thought.
I opened my eyes to be greeted by a harsh blinding light. The light was so bright it made my eyes water and kept me squinting.
I tried to sit up but my head hurt so much. Wait, why was my head hurting?
I continued to have similar thoughts and all went through my head when my vision cleared and I was in some white clean room on a hospital bed.
"Where am i?" I said aloud to myself.
Just then a young doctor came in the room to grab her bag and she stared right at me, her face in complete shock, "What?" she asked herself and frankly I was asking the same questions that started with that.
"Um where am i?" I asked to her.
She seemed to smile at my confusion and asked me a question of her own,"What do you remember?"
"The last thing I remember wa-" I started but I realized I didn't know, I don't even remember my name,"I don't know, who am i?"
She looked taken back by my question and decided to grab her phone out and dial some numbers. I waited patiently while she called people in the hallway.
During that time I assessed what was going on. I didn't know when or how but I realized I knew a lot about the human body, how it functions, how to fix it, and some unfriendly knowledge on how to crush it.
I also realized that I had a lot of muscle and I looked grown like 12 or 13.
When she returned she had people in tights with her. I didn't know who they were and I realized I don't even know who she is.
I was so confused and scared that I stuttered out,"Wh-who ar-are yo-you?" and added because I saw a bulky man "Please! don't hurt me."
They looked shocked at what I said and they all had smirks on their lips. The woman in a swimsuit like outfit with black long flowy hair spoke in a hush but soft tone," Were not going to hurt you" one of the men from the back commented, "As long as he doesn't hurt us", she gave him a glare and then turned back to me.
"Huh?" I said confused beyond belief.
Before I could say anything else or have someone telling me what the hell was going on a man in a scary Bat costume walked in. He was emotionless and looked as if he killed in a past life.
I widened my eyes. I started to remember something, I looked down and realized a name "B-Batman?" he looked shocked I remembered something but nodded his head.
That made me even more scared "What's going on?" I started to have overflowing tears in my eyes, "Where am i? Who am i? and Who are all you people?" the room became silent until the Bat came closer.
He raised his hand as if to calm me and it sort of did and then spoke, "Do you remember anything Richard?"
"Richard? That name seems familiar but is it my name?" he nodded and I continued, "I remember the human body studies and my parents um... Mary and uh John I think Grayson" I said super confused but the Batman nodded like I was right motioning for me to continue, "Um I remember a tragedy but I don't know what of and a- Oh. my parents they died didn't they?"
"I'm sorry Richard but yes they did die, Is that all you remember?" he asked in a kind yet gentle tone.
"I'm afraid! but I have questions of my own." I tried to sound strong but inside I was trapped in a maze of sadness.
"Your in Mount Justice infirmary" he explained, "You have lost your memory due to an accident of-" he stopped trying to think of what to say next, "Richard your an assassin and your supposed to kill me but we want to tell you if you would like to stay here and leave that path completely behind you, we'd welcome you with open arms", the rest of the people in the room looked shocked at the Bats words as if he has never been that nice before.
"I'm not sure, why would you trust me?", asked and he looked shocked and said that but he had a faint smile than it disappeared.
"Well I wanted to adopt you after the incident with your parents and if you'd like id be happy to" all mouths in the room were gaping as well as mine.
"I don't know why but I believe you and I trust you" I said and he looked genuinely pleased that I was so willing.
I quickly added, "Can you please tell me who these people are because mister muscles over there is freaking me out", I said and it earned me a few chuckles as well as many smirks.
The Batman had on a smirk and explained, "This is the Justice League and muscles is Superman"
"Um not to be rude but why are they here", I asked completely confused as to why the League is in my hospital room.
"They thought you might still be dangerous so they took precautions" he said.
"Umm okay" I had not idea what that meant but I didn't care at this point so instead of talking more I layed back down and fell asleep.
After the boy fell asleep the League and the Young Justice calmly walked out till they were far enough away not to wake the boy.
Once they were sure Superman started the argument, "Are you crazy?! The boy is dangerous, what happens if he remembers everything?"
"His name is Richard" Batman said in a slight annoyed tone, "and he is as dangerous as anyone in this room. It does not matter, we should teach him good and keep him away from the Court."
Jaws dropped and the room went into frenzy.
"The Court will probably want him back!"
"What if your plan doesn't work?"
"Trust will be a huge issue"
"Batman this won't work"
"It will." and than the Bat was off without another word. He returned to the boy to watch him and keep guard, but mostly to keep safe.
The Courts POV:
"Why haven't we heard from my most promising Talon?" the leader asked his assistant.
The assistant gave a shaky shrug and answered, "It seems he hasn't come back from the last mission you sent him on"
"I asked why."
The assistant gulped, "Maybe he failed?"
The leader seemed to ponder the idea before rethinking and answering back,"He wouldn't have failed, he knows to much is at stake"
"Then what do you suggest we do sir?"
"Find him- alive"
"Yes sir" the assistant than walked out the door giving the assignment to the thousand other members.
The Batman stayed watching me for a while till my eyes drifted off. When I woke up he was in the hall and at the moment I sat up he decided to come in.
In his stoic voice,"Do you remember anything?"
I thought for a moment, I knew there was something important that I'm forgetting. Something life threatening but I just couldn't remember, "Not since the last time you asked me"
"Well Richard would you like to come stay with me or stay at the cave here?"
I thought for a moment deciding pro's and con's and than, "You- if that's alright?"
He had a small smirk play on his lips,"Yes I'm actually glad you chose to stay with me it.." he paused thinking over words,"would be a chance to keep an eye on you and discuss things"
Discuss things?
"Discuss what?"
Ignoring my last statement he proceeded, "We will be leaving in an hour, rest some more and you can eat when we get there" I nodded my head and he walked our.
That left me sitting there alone. The people outside my door were no longer there so it was just me... until a yellow blur came by my door and was staring at me through the glass.
"Um.. hello?" I asked odiously he could tell I wasn't going to harm him he proceeded in.
"The names Kid Flash and hi" I smiled
"Cool name, are you a sidekick?" He frowned.
"Partner. I'm the Flashes partner" I chuckled "Why are you laughing?"
"No reason KF" and I continued to chuckle
"KF?" he asks
"Yea KF- Kid Flash" he smiled at the nickname .
"So what can I call you" I thought for a moment and I remembered something my parents called me.
"You can- you can call me Dick" he looked dumbfounded but decided to accept it and smiled.
This may be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Two days. Two days they kept me in the re mountain until Batman wanted me to stay with him.

Batman wants me to live with him? Crazy right!

I've been staying in the Bat cave for a day now and after I've played with everything the workout gym had to offer I decided to do something else.

"Am I alone?" I asked aloud. When no one uttered a sound I decided it was safe to investigate.

I looked at all the statues and souvenirs the Batman has collected. My eyes widened when among all the junk I found a photograph.

It was a photograph of my parents and me, slightly burnt but still in good condition.

My eyes reared up just thinking about how they died and how I could've stopped it. 'No! it's wasn't my fault it was...Zucco's!'

All was silent except for my tears.
"I know you miss them" a voice out of the dark said. Like he was reading my mind,"revenge isn't the answer, only justice" I nodded in understanding so he continued, "Zucco will never hurt you again, at least you can take pride in that since he is all but a memory" I raised my eyebrow. Knowing my sudden confusion he said "Zucco is dead."

"How?" I asked

"Only you know how to answer that question. You have the information locked in your subconscious. If you desire to know you can try to remember but from experiences I warn you. Knowledge is powerful, good or bad" and than with that he stalked off leaving me to wonder.

'Do I really want to know? No.'
'Will it help me to know? Maybe.'
I walked over to him, he was at the Bat computer. When I got to him he got up and signaled me to follow him.

We walked to the elevator and we arrived in a ginormous house. The place was bigger than the whole circus combined.

He glanced over at me and chucked at my reaction "Dick, welcome to Wayne manor, your new home" I smiled and he smiled too.
3rd Person POV
It's been about 2 months since Richard has been staying at Wayne manor. And when he is not at the manor he is being watched at the mountain.
They kept him under observation because soon once he is proven trustworthy would they teach him all for being a hero, but they didn't know the details...yet.
"Hey guys" he politely greeted the only people he has been having true contact with
"DICK!" Wally tackled the raven haired teen to the floor "It's so boring here without you" the raven chuckled at his comment and in return the Kid smirked.
"Will you both just shut up and do something already" Artemis said from where she was laying on the couch
"Party pooper" KF commented back
"Watch it Baywatch" the archer retorted back
"Will you both just get a room ughhh" Dick smirked at the repulsed looks he got from the pair and received a deadly glare from the archer and a
"Dude.... Not cool" replied the speedster
The raven haired teen rolled his eyes and grabbed his friend or in this case he felt they were best-friends and walked to the kitchen knowing that speedsters have a really high metabolism.
"You know you like her" the younger teen told the older teen when they were out of hearing range
"Eww no! It's like saying Batman is a rainbow" he earned a chuckle from the young.
"Denial." He mumbled just audible to hear and the speedster scoffed but didn't reply knowing the boy could go on for hours.

Talon before a Robin (Batman & Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now