Part 4

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Assasin POV:

Weeks. Months.

That's how long I've been watching the boy.

His skills, character, and overal manner leads me to believe this boy was once the top Talon in the League.

"Master I have news" as I walk in I show no emotion but inside I'm frightened by how our leader is.

"Is this going to be a waste of time or is it valuable"

"It's about the lost Talon" Imediately he lifts his head, all attention is on me waiting for details and explanations, "He is with the Batman's persona and also is his new sidekick Robin" he raises a brow at me but nods.


It's almost deafening.

"Well..." I look confused, not understanding what is planned next, "I need details boy"

"He doesn't seem like himself" he nods in a slilent Continue gesture,"He seems to be like a different person, he's happy, not focused, and he jokes" these are not normal for Talons, were serious, determined, and only happy when an assignment is completed.

"It seems our Robin has forgotten he is and always will be a Talon" It seems like the logical answer, but how is my question, "Forget about the stupid Bat, bring me the boy, we will deal with the pest later" he gestures for me to go and I depart.

How will I catch the diguised Talon?

Kidnap? well duh.

But how will I go about doing it?

Like a Talon, without a trace.

Richard POV: 

I feel like there are eyes staring at the back of my head.

When I go to school, when I'm in my room, even when I'm out on patrol. Sometimes I feel it when I'm at the beach outside the Mountain.

Maybe I'm going insane.

Whatever it is it gives me bad vibes in the pit of my stomach.

Or is that my lunch?

Right now I'm in my room, It's been a few months now and I am starting to get really used to it, but it feels off somehow like this isn't my usual behavior. But i don't know if my instincts are right because I can't remeber.

I look out my window just becuase I'm bored and I don't have any homework.

I see the normal, trees, the dull sky, and a shadowy figure on a ledge.

A shadowy figure?

Am I seeing things?

I look back at where I saw the figure and whatever was there is now gone.

Should I tell Bruce? No.

What if it's a threat? What if it's not.

I go outside and look in the backyard knowing it isn't my imagination but I want to be absolutely sure.

I look around and stare at where I saw it from my bedroom window until I smell a strange odor that makes my brain go numb and my vision to cloud. I fall, I don't hit the ground but I do feel caught and then the wind on my face.

My last thought, What happened? before my vision went black.

Talon before a Robin (Batman & Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now