Part 13

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Third person :

The group of young and older heroes all headed to there vehicles. Robin and Hood went with YJ planning for Robin to head in first and them backing him up. The adults would come through another entrance and try to deal with the big problems, the talons.
YJ took the job of planning the devices to jam the signals and mess with there software.
They all followed routine like Batman instructed. All slightly confident but one bird.
Robin looked calm and collected but on the inside he was a wild mess.
He is going all alone against Deathstroke. The Deathstroke!
Although a part of him is relieved to not have to worry about anyone getting caught in the crossfire.
He knew it was impossible to defeat him, he didn't tell anyone that. He wanted to buy them time that only he could give by probably giving his life.
He held onto Zantanna like his life depended on it afraid that this would be his last time to hold her.
Zee was nervous but she knew everyone was secretly freaked. At one moment she thought she smelled pee coming from the speedster.
She quickly forgot that when Dick grabbed her like it was the last time. Without thinking to much into it she grabbed his hand and squeezed while giving him a reassuring smile. She thought he maybe nervous, heck it would be weird if he wasn't nervous. He was going against the #1 assassin.

When they arrived at the point of entry Robin went in first. They waited for the signal to head in after him but they got none. What worried the team the most was a few minutes after he went in to check the all clear for no traps, his com was disconnected like it was smashed.

Talon before a Robin (Batman & Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now