Part 7

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Robin/Talon/Richard"Dick" POV:

Training. All day, all night.

I know I need to train my hardest to defeat the Batman, my mind can't seem to focus.

Images, images of people keep flashing through my mind.

An older man. Grey hair, butler uniform. Friendly features. His name....Alf? Could that be short for Alfred? It sounds right.

A girl. Raven hair that's naturally curly down to the mid of her back. Lean body, curves where they need to be. Eyes as blue as the sky. Tannish complexion but still very pale. Purple tank top and caki shorts. Her name starts with a "Z" but that's all I recall.

Then there's Wally. His red hair. Ridiculous outfit. But a friendship is what really drives me crazy.

What happened?

I know if I ask or tell anyone about this I could be in potentially a lot of danger and the people I see could be too.

But why do I care about people I hardly remember?

Because I used to have a family, and of they have one I couldn't imagine the heartbreak.

....Wait.....When did I start having a heart?...a conscious?....feelings?

I'm so dazed in my thoughts I don't notice my door opening and my partner walk in.

"Are you ready to go?" I look up, the other Talon is in full gear and is prepared to go on the mission.

I hesitate before answering but it doesn't seem to show how I wavered, "Yes" I grab my mask and dagger, "Lets put an end to the Batman" he smirks and nods and we leave.

We quickly maneuver through the shit of a home we call Gotham.

Why do people still live in this dump?
People get mugged, killed, raped. You name it Gotham has it at least happen once a day.

We jump to the police department and sneak on the roof.

-Get to department (check)
-Turn on Bat sign
-Kill Batman

Simple to say...Yes.
But to complete...No.

We wait 15 minutes before he shows, hiding in the darkness waiting for what he thinks is the commish.

"Well, well Batman we meet again" I finally break the silence.
Once I get this over with maybe the visions and images will fade or go away.

"Richard?" he says in a murmur but I have keen ears so I can hear it, barely, but still hear it.

I ignore his comment or statement and hurry this night along, "You've lived your use in this town now it's time to put you away"

"Richard" he says louder

The other Talon is behind him making me distract him and finish him off before the Justice heroes hear a peep.

"Stop calling me that!" I growl at him. My blood is boiling to a point where I want to run up and kill him myself without the assistants help.

"It's your name." he says in a calm demeanor, "What happened to you?"

I scoff, "'What happened?' I became an assassin at nine that's what happened!" I practically shouted.

What's taking him so long?

"No I mean you've been good for two months, away from that life, living with me and being a hero with friends"

"Me? A hero? In tights and spandex?" I laugh out loud, "That's rich, I am an assassin!" I state proudly. Before he can comment I state something else, "Oh it seems like your times ran up" he looks to where my vision is trained and barely dodges the stab.

"Nice try" he comments in mock."Two against one, doesn't seem fair"

I give him a mock sympathetic look, "Yeah I'd rather finish what we started but management" I fake sigh.

"You really want to finish it than fight me" he challenges.

"Fine, say your prayers Bats"

And the fight begins...

He dodges. I round house kick but he moves to the side to prevent my leg from touching him. We go one on one combat and we manage to be tied in skill and stamina. We go for long with the my helper on the sidelines waiting for the cue. What I didn't plan on was having the Batman install a new tracker that is also a distress in his glove. He is just barring his time till backup shows up. Sadly I didn't think of that outcome till it was too late.

"Superman restrain the Talons" Superman? When did he.....oh.

"Bastard! Can't handle me yourself? Coward!!" I scream at him still in close combat while the rest of the League deals with the other Talon.

"Ow" I say as I feel a painful prick in my butt. I turn so I am facing the culprit, it's Martian Manhunter. "A needle seriously?" I say as my legs go wabbly and I try to remain conscious.

"Should we restrain him?" Batman asks MM.

"If I can recover the memory they took than no but for now I'd rather be safe than sorry" he replies back

"Fuck." the last word I say before my world goes dark.

They captured 2 Talons. Now the real challenges begin.


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Hey guys sorry bought my language but he's a teen so I wanted to add some in(:
I might post some more but I'm going to vacation for a week and than school starts but if you let me know I'll try to add. Tell me what I should include and I'll try to the best of my abilities to make it happen. Good luck for school.!

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Talon before a Robin (Batman & Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now