Chapter Twenty Two

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The past few days at the Davenport house has been awful. Bree hasn't spoken to me since our huge fight. Chase has not been around me much anymore. The only two people who have spent time with me are Leo and Adam. And they have to go to school, so most of the time I'm here alone. Davenport rarely stays during the day; when he comes back at night, he seems to be very upset and quiet.

I used to think that being alone was great, but now I know that it isn't. I'm alone with me, myself, and my thoughts, and that's not a good combination. My mind hasn't been that good for a long time, but now that I am alone with just it, it's been downright terrible. I guess that happens when your mother gets kidnapped.

A soft breeze blows across the rooftop, ruffling through my dark hair. I've been sitting up here for hours, just staring at the horizon where the sea meets the sky. The salty air tells me that I'm still alive because I can smell it and I can feel it on my skin, but, other than that, I feel like I'm just floating through time. All that I have been doing while I've been here is search for my missing mom. But more than that, I've done everything I could to do well in school my whole life. What good does that to for me? Get me into a great college? That won't matter in ten years. I'll still be as unhappy as I am now because I don't have friends or a life, really.

"Emmie?" I frown when I hear Adam say my name. I don't want to talk to him right now; I want to be alone still. "Emmie, where are you?"

It doesn't sound like he's going to stop soon, so I glance inside and see him standing in the center of my room with a confused look on his face. "I'm out here," I say, waving to him. 

"What in the world are you doing out there?" Adam asks, his eyes wide. He takes a few steps toward the window. "You get could get hurt if you fell off the roof!"

"Says the one who's always doing some sort of crazy stunts."

"Yeah, but that's because I'm stronger than you," he says with a nod. "I know how to handle falling off a roof. Do you?"

"No. I don't think it'll be that bad, though." I shrug and turn my gaze back to the horizon. The sun is still high up in the sky, shining down upon Mission Creek. It shines down upon me, too, but I ignore it. "If I could manage to fall into the pool, I'd be fine."

The sudden warmth that hits my left side tells me that Adam has climbed up on the roof with me. He bumps his shoulder against mine. "Are you okay?" he asks suddenly.


"Do you want to talk about it?"


He falls silent. I know he cares about me a lot, but I don't really want to talk right now. The last time I did that with one of the Bionics, they told me that I was only thinking about my situation. But I guess that's the truth. I haven't been as worried about Tasha as I have about my mom. They don't understand, though. They don't understand that Mom is the only person I have. I have no one else. I don't have a father, I don't have cousins or aunts or uncles or siblings, I don't even have my biological family. I have no one.

"You're not alone in this," he says softly. "You have us to help you find Zoe. You have us to help you through this difficult time."

"It doesn't seem like I have all of you with me."

Adam sighs. "Look, Bree is terribly sorry about what she said to you and -"

"If she's so sorry, why doesn't she apologize to me?" I ask him. I turn to face him with a glare apparent on my face. "Why doesn't she march up here and apologize to me for what she said to me?"

"Well, from the way I understand it, it takes two to fight," he says. That's the smartest thing I have ever heard him say. "You're not in the clear, either, Emmie."

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