둘 (tul)

16 1 0

... 남준 ...

Namjoon sat in front of his computer staring at the desktop. The thought of the young teacher never left the back of his mind for days after he saw her. He didn't mind. He didn't want to forget her. He wanted to learn her name. He wanted to learn where she came from. He wanted to ask why she looked surprised. He wanted to ask her if the redness on her face had been his imagination. Three knocks interrupted Namjoon's thoughts. Seokjin entered the office. Namjoon stood and bowed. Seokjin bowed then clapped his brother on the back.

"Thank you again for picking up Su-oh the other day."

"It was no problem at all. I was happy to help."

"Let me show my thanks by taking you out for barbecue. When are you free?"

"I left early yesterday. I'll probably stay a little later to work tonight."

'Nonsense, Namjoon-ssi. You work too much as it is. If I weren't a part of this company I would assume the business is about to go under with all the late nights you work."

"I only do that because you told me to stop working from home."

"Yes, because you shouldn't be working when you aren't in the office."

"I have a home office."

"Aigoo! You really need to learn how to separate yourself from work. We are going to barbecue tonight. We'll take a car together." Seokjin left without allowing for discussion. Namjoon sat back down. He did work a lot, but his brother acted like he had a serious addiction. He didn't work late often. He had a habit of leaving the office around dinner time because those were what he considered his hours. Sometimes he had meetings to attend all day. On those days, he considered working from his office to be better for the company. His brother put an end to that when he figured out how much work Namjoon was doing at home. He knew his brother meant well, but it was a little frustrating. He pulled up his calendar and checked if he had any last minute meetings. He was relieved to see there were none. Namjoon pulled up his proposal that he had been working on the other day. The company was continuously expanding. It made him smile. The company was considering going international. Doing business with Americans was an exciting prospect for Namjoon. He needed to convince his brothers that this was the right way to go, of course. The investors would more than follow along if the brothers were clearly on the same page. A ding pulled Namjoon from his thoughts. A meeting in fifteen minutes. He sighed to himself. The proposal would have to wait.




"Namjoon-ssi!" Seokjin called entering his brother's office for the second time that day. His brother was barely phased by his entrance. Namjoon was absorbed in his computer.

"Just a minute." Namjoon said as he finished up typing. He turned to his brother. "Is there a problem?"

"Okay, I know you get into your work, but tell me you didn't forget I was in here this morning?"

"Of course I remember! We are going to eat barbecue."

"I told you we are going together."

"Well, yes. I assumed you meant in a car."

"Yes. Let's go."

"Brother, I didn't know I'd be leaving early."

"Didn't you work through lunch because you had to attend that emergency meeting in marketing?"

"I did..."

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