아홉 (ahop)

20 2 2

...ㅏ니 ...

"I need your help." Taehyung pouted through the phone. Ani suppressed a laugh. She was hiding in a closet at work while she talked on the phone. She had learned Taehyung had the tendencies of a teddy bear. Everything about him just made her want to hug him. 

"Aigoo, what now?" The two young adults had fallen into a comfortable routine of texts, phone calls, and video calls. Ani felt they were definitely friends with one another and that was a nice start. 

"Remember that fruit stand where we met?"

"You mean your fruit stand? How could I forget."

"Yes, that's the one. I never really explained why I was there...I was there because I might have to close it down... I need to get it to be more profitable or I'll have no choice but to shut it down..." Ani felt her heart break at the sound of sadness in Taehyung's voice. He was clearly upset about having to possibly close down the stall.

"You have more than that one don't you? I don't want to sound mean, but what's so special about that fruit stand?"

"That's the fruit stand that caught your eye. If it hadn't been where it was, we wouldn't have met." Ani tried to hold back the feelings in her chest. Taehyung was too sweet sometimes. He didn't flirt with her, but he said things like this that made her think there was more to his words. 'Ani, stop. He's just a friendly person.' Ani cleared her throat.

"How about we meet up at the stand and try to entice customers?" She suggested.

"That could work... Let's meet up at the café across the street from the market and make a plan. I'll buy you some bubble tea."

"I can't say no to that. I'll see you after work!" They hung up and Ani headed out. While she was on the bus later on, her phone rang. "Yoboseyo?"

"Ani-ssi!" Namjoon's deep voice rang out. Ani lowered the volume of her phone call.

"Namjoon-ssi, always a pleasure to hear from you." Ani smiled.

"I'm sorry I've been quieter these past two weeks."

"What do you mean? We text everyday and you call me just about every other day."

"I guess technically."

"Namjoon, you literally run a business. It would be selfish of me to demand your attention all the time."

"No, it wouldn't." Ani expected him to say more after that, but he didn't. 

"Are you leaving work?"

"Aniyo. I figured you'd be heading out by now. I just wanted to catch you."

"Oh. I am... I'm heading out to bubble tea with my friend."

"You like bubble tea?"

"Yes, very much."

"I'll keep that in mind. I'm glad you're getting out of routine. It's good to get out and about. Have you been working on a list of places you want to go?"

"Kinda." Ani admitted. She had been making a list of places to go on her own. She didn't mind having Namjoon along, but she wanted to get comfortable being uncomfortable. 


"I'll make a proper list of things I want us to try out...together..."

"I like the sound of that. I'll make a list too."

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