Chapter 2

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*Y/Ns POV*

My day began the same as always yet i felt the need to get ready quicker to look better and get my coffee as soon as i was ready. Normaly I hate mornings but now its strange. Chris hasnt text me since i gave him my number but i didnt want to be the first to text. He also wasnt at the coffee shop since we met that was a week ago, it felt strange. I decided to skip the coffee and head straight to my class of 8th graders in hope to lighten up there day as they where always so miserable in the morning. I walked in my classroom seeing someone standing looking at a picture on my desk the picture was of my mum and sisters.
''Can i help you with something.'' I stated continuing to walk to my desk, ''Yeah actually i was gunna make an oppointment but i thought why not just show up.'' Chris said turning around to face me, ''Oh yeah well class starts in 20 so i hope you have some of that script atleast mapped out.'' I said smiling looking up at him, ''Actually i thought that maybe we could discuss it in a less formal place like dinner tonight 7 o'clock cute little resturant down town?'' he asked smiling as i took a seat at my desk, ''Well i guess you could pick me up and make it 8.'' I stated looking up at him with a smirk on my face.

*My apartment*

I decided to wear something simple but cute, a long sleaved square neck dress, red paired with red, white and black jordan 1s. I looked in the mirror moving my hands down the dress shaping my curves. My make up was light and natrual and my hair was half up half down, curls sitting at my sholders.
Sat on the couch on my phone a knock on the door echoed through out my apartment. I got up and walked to the door pulling down the tight dress as it rode up my thighs ,Chris stood looking down at me as i scanned his body from head to toe taking in his muscular frame that made him even more sexy. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt tucked into his black dress pants. As i made my way up to his eyes he was also taking in my whole body.
''You look beautiful.'' He let out breaking the silence, ''You dont look to bad yourself.'' I stated with a smirk as i grabbed my bag and closed the door behind me. ''Where are you taking me Mr Evans.'' I said teasingly, he chuckled ''You will have to wait and see,'' he stated while opening the pasenger side door of his chevy camaro 1967, as i sat inside i had a moment to my self to take in the moment and bring myself back down to earth. ''Your car is um... wow'' I stated looking around, ''Thank you, it was a gift from Rdj'' he said in a chuckle, i looked at him shocked ''um yeah now im not touching anything'' I said in a giggle.

*The Resteraunt*
*Chris' POV*

Y/N and I spoke about random things on the way, as we arived i rushed to beat Y/N to let her out of the car opening the door for her. She stepped out looking stunning, she looked up at me and smiled '' Thank you,'' she thanked as i matched her smile, we walked to the entrance of the fancy resteraunt as Y/N looked around in awe.
''wow'' Y/N said in almost a whisper, ''Its nice huh'' I said smilling down at her she looked up at me matching my smile.
We sat at a booth, looking at her menu Y/N began to hum along to the music playing lowley in the backround, i looked over my menu at her taking in her concentrating face as she bit the side of her cheek. ''The stake sounds real good.'' She said breaking the confortable silence, ''Yeah i was thinking the same.'' I said taking a last glance at the menu and then putting it down as she did the same. ''So you disapeard on me the past week where you been'' She question with a smirk, ''i could ask you the same thing.'' I said sliding the menu to the end of the table, ''Well i dont like mornings so sometimes im late so i have no time for coffee.'' She said with a shrug, ''I was in Atlanta deeling with work.'' I stated motining for the waiter, ''Hi can i have a beer and...'' i looked at Y/N, ''Oh and a rum and coke please.'' She looked back at me her eyes moved to my lips and then down to her hands, ''We can order food when your ready,'' I said with a smirk.

Y/N orderd a steak salad and i orderd the steak, broccoli and potatos. ''So the work in Atlanta, was it about the script.'' Y/N asked taking a sip of her drink, ''Yeah they wanted to talk about ideas for the plot and i had none so there a bit pissed.'' i said with a shrug, ''Well i am an english teacher so anything you wanna swing my way'' She said taking a bite of her food, ''I actually got inspired by meeting you,'' I said with a nervous chuckle trying not to seem wierd, ''Whats so inspiring about us meeting.'' she said with a smirk, ''Well meeting a beautiful women is always a great place to start but i wanted to add something that has never been done before.'' I said as she hung on to every word i was saying, ''but i havent thought of anything yet so.'' i continued as she looked me in the eyes, ''What about meeting the girl in the coffe shop at like 1am just as its about to close and you wonder the city together falling in love'' she said passionatly as i just smiled at her, ''what?'' she giggled.
We laughed, flirted and just talked through out the night.

Around 11 we left the restaraunt, and i drove her home. The drive had a certain tension that was building as every time we would lock eyes for a second and then look away. I parked the car, '' I had a great night.'' she started off as i agreed, ''i would love to do it again,'' I stated as she agreed, ''You wanna come in for some coffee?'' she asked looking deep in my eyes, ''Yeah sure.'' I said with a warm smile.

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