V16 - Chapter 194 Malrtis

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"The first eight mages from the recently recognized Wiccan Coven Institution to the US Army special training taskforce. This task force was created to train native Falmart rebels or native US citizens into the Army. The Army decided to keep the 'Earth Mages' out of the regular training regiment because they believe that standard training would not apply to their unique abilities.

Some believe that the Army has yet to figure out a proper way to fully integrate non-Humans and mages into its ranks, which requires a complete rethink of military organization. It has been reported that the 75th Ranger Regiment has been used as a testbed for finding ways to integrate the natives and non-Humans into the US Military doctrine, as learned from the Congressional hearings last month.

Grand High Witch Verona Soredin of the North American Coven Council, the Witch Coven Institution's governing body, testified to the United States House Education Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services on the ongoing topic of magic and magic rights. This is her fifth testimony to Congress and first with the United Kingdom Parliament alongside Grand High Wizard John Youdan of the New Forest Coven, governing the UK's mage population, since last month's appearance. Other high-level mages from different covens worldwide have made similar or future testimony to their respective governments like in France, Italy, Brazil, and Japan.

The current topic is the role of magical users in society and in the military. Soredin has been the biggest supporter in pushing Wiccan mages to help fight in the war effort. Her argument was that the Empire and its League allies' most considerable advantage was their magic and ability to enchant equipment. Allowing mages into NATO national armies will help deal with the enemy's magic advantage. That if this Congress supports her cause, she promises the North American Coven Council will sway its full support into the war effort." – National Interest


--- Malrtis, Resort ---

Date: May 10th, 2026

As Rory looks up at the cloudless beautiful blue sky. It is so peaceful. The only disturbance was the two Italian A-11 Tornados heading north to go hunting. She knows it was the Italians because she remembers Sarah saying that the Italians oversee the northern flank at the staff meetings.

Rory hears Tuka laugh at a joke.

"I don't get it," Lelei said.

"You never do, Lelei," Selina replied.

Rory chucked at what Selina said. She is right; Lelei has always struggled with jokes due to her computer-like thinking. Everyone likes to tease Lelei about it, part of an inside sisterhood joke.

"Anyways, this food is amazing," Tuka commented. "I know I usually prefer meats wrapped with a leaf, but whatever this sauce is makes everything taste great."

"I believe they call it barbecue sauce," Lelei said as she held a shish kebab stick. "I tried some the last time we were on Earth. I loved it."

Rory looks at her sizable spare rib. After an intense battle at Sadera, Colonel Yang ordered Vanguard-7, 2, and 5 and the Rose Knights to Malrtis, a harbor town under Italica's domain, for forty-eight hours R and R. The city is on the Row Stream. While not as glorious or extensive as Valtris, she considers this town cute. The mood is relaxing as there wasn't the scale of a larger city bombarding you. There is a sense of peace.

"I wonder how they invented it," Tuka asked with a mouthful.

"Please don't talk with your mouthful. We don't need more bad manners, Rory's already in the group," Lelei remarked. "I asked Jackson that very same question."

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