V18 - Chapter 212

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"Yesterday, across many countries there were live demonstrations of exorcism conducted by exorcist mages. What they did was dispel hostile spirits that haunt buildings, both abandoned and inhabited, and forests, drawing the attention of a billion of viewers in all media platforms.

The restless spirits of the dead who are consumed by hatred and negative emotions will haunt and even murder anyone who encounter one. Most exorcist mages compare them to rabid dogs in how they interact with the general public. Hauntings negatively affects the psyche of the victims, increasing the tendency of criminal acts, depression, and suicide. According to the newest report published by the exorcist mages in various countries, hostile spirits contribute as much as 25% of homicide and people disappearance cases in the past decades and until now annually.

Reactions of the public have been a mixture of excitement and fear. While some people are excited from viewing them as the Ghostbusters and Exorcist franchise coming to life, others wish for such events to go away. Regardless, many law enforcements are investigating to see if exorcists can help reduce crime and the ethical protocols behind them.

Subsequently, there is a steep rise in the number of religious believers and the dramatic increase in tourism for places famous for being haunted across the world. For example the Stanley Hotel where Stephen King draws his inspiration to write the Shining has increased in popularity causing the hotel to run out of rooms. Stephen King has stated that most of the locations where he wrote were never haunted nor possess any history of supernatural activity, except the Stanley Hotel.

According to exorcist mages, it is utterly important to the public to inform them of any signs of supernatural threats so they can deal with it effectively before any dangerous incident can occur. Furthermore, it is also advised the public not to attempt exorcism by themselves and leave it to the professionals since it might backfire horribly"- Jessica Moore


--- Unity of Hinregs, Kilrado peninsula (south of Elies) ---

Date: June 8th, 2026

The sound of battle raged as the screams of the dying echoed throughout the battlefield; only masked by the repetitive sounds of firing guns, First Lieutenant Charles Johnson led his Vanguard-2 unit towards the castle built within a hill.

Johnson had seen castles before when he was stationed in Poland in a NATO security operation, but never once had he seen one built into a mountain.

The castle is engulfed in flames from the bombardment of artillery and rocket fire. Sections that once held defense batteries and makeshift bunkers were reduced to mere rubble. The outerwear has been smashed open, and Infantry has already begun to storm the chamber.

The joint US-Turkish operation was tasked with capturing the peninsula on the other side of the hill. A company from the US 1st Battalion, 2nd Brigade, and companies from the Turkish 66th Mechanized Infantry Brigade have spent the past five days advancing against the Dark Races, a deadly ally for the League.

As the campaign progressed, there was a chain of hill castles that needed to be destroyed. So far, four hill castles have been destroyed, with one more to go. The plan was to destroy each castle from a combination of the airstrike and rocket artillery from Legrath. However, pro-NATO Darkling locals have reported men and women have been taken to these castles, preventing easy destruction. Limited strikes destroy the outer structures and defenses while infantry storm the castles.

Unlike the other castle where the mission was to take the castle and save the civilians, Vanguard-2 was assigned to retrieve the last body part of Frayen, the Apostle of Elange. The brass has determined that taking the castle the hard way was worth the risk in gaining an Apostle ally.

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