V22 - Chapter 264 Epilogue pt 3

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--- Dumas Mountains ---

Date: April 23rd, 2028

Gazing toward the surrounding area, Sharpe could only see the usual terrain that made up the mountain side. The pine trees of the Dumas Mountains littered the area. Rocks and bushes are scattered everywhere. Everything that made up a natural environment and not a secret military camp.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Sharpe asked.

"The memories showed this area," Frayen said. "There must be a dwarven door somewhere."

"I do not feel anything," Lelei said as she held her hand up, trying to detect mana. "If they are using a magical door, it is well hidden."

Hearing Rory incoming, Sharpe looked up and saw her land onto the ground. The once Apostle of War, now a Proto-Angel for her deeds in defeating the demons and uniting both worlds, had been flying around.

"Sorry," Rory said. "I couldn't see anything."

Sharpe felt nothing but frustration throughout his body. Scouting around and watching as many soldiers searched for anything was only making the situation worse. It started to seem like there were two realizations.

Either they are in the right location but couldn't find a way in or they are in the long location.

Knowing that he couldn't accept the latter, he continued to explore the area as he tried to figure out what they missed.

Pina approached as she brushed dirt off her armor. "I do not think they are here."

"They have to be," Sharpe said.

"Then we will keep looking," Pina replied. "No matter how long it will take."

Sharpe shook his head and looked toward the Empress. "Thank you but you should head back to Sadera."

Pina stared at him with a baffled look. "I know your stressed but are you insane?"

He held out his hand. "Trying to think practical here. Let's just say we find them. Things will get messy quick, and this could be a trap by Moon to lure us out. Either hoping that you would come aid in the search and rescue, making it a perfect opportunity to assassinate you. Or..., now that you are away from the capital, they could be launching some kind of coup or something."

"That is why both of my brothers are there, Jackson." Pina then smiled. After Frayen gathered the information from the shapeshifter, she ordered Krysist to head back to Sadera, just in case. "I get what you mean, and I see you're still looking out for others. Luckily, I do not have to take orders from you anymore, as you pointed out back in Elies all those years ago. And you put yourself in danger to save my family multiple times so this time, it is my turn."

Feeling a sense of inspiration from his friend, happy that Pina was by his side during his time of need. The two continued to search.

As Sharpe looked around, he felt a short gust of wind moving east up the hill. Going uphill.

At first, he ignored it. However, he stopped and looked up at the path of the wind. Taking a deep breath, he decided to follow it.

"What is it?" Rory asked.

"A feeling," Sharpe replied.

Noticing that the air was stale, Sharpe carefully analyzed the surrounding area. From what he could tell everything looked normal.

"Wait a minute," Sharpe said. "We are looking at this from a military perspective. Moon isn't military but a spook."

"What do you mean?" Andrew asked.

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