V22 - Chapter 251 The Stage is Set

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--- Outskirts of Dalko, Great Plains Region ---

Date: August 25th, 2026

Feeling the tremble from the airframe, General Krysist looked around the large beast that the Terrans call a C-130 cargo plane. It looked gray and cold. A sight he has never seen and is surprised at how normalized hovering on such a large flying machine was to these Terrains.

Not just with the Terrains but also with his Apostle, Frayen, and his new bodyguard and guardian, Malena. This is not the first time either of them was on such a wonder-machine.

"Feeling nervous, master?" Frayen asked, who sat next to him.

"Not at all," Krysist said as he held his strap tightly.

"It is okay," Malena said with a smirk. "It is terrifying for everyone for the first time."

The General gave the Warrior-bunny a glare, implying that he was not terrified of being eighteen thousand feet in the air. He had no idea why anyone would be comfortable this high above the ground.

"You should learn not to be so controlling," Malena commented. "It helps."

"Knock it off," Krysist ordered.

"I do have to agree with the Bunny on this one, master," Frayen said.

"Do not dare to side with her," Krysist said.

"Yes, master," Frayen said.

"And stop calling me that," Krysist ordered. He then glanced toward Malena and saw a glare that told him that she would never call him master. He is now regretting sitting between them and wished for this trip to end.

Hearing from the pilots that they are making their final approach to the quickly assembled airfield. With the news, the nearly hundred warriors, American, and his newly established personal guard prepare themselves.

He could feel the uneasiness between the two groups which is understandable. Both sides just fought a war against each other and now they have to save the world together. Regardless, he is thrilled to see the reformed Republican Army consolidating around his sister's rule and willing to fight by his side.

Feeling a strong turbulence as the aircraft descended, it landed. Being the first of many more aircraft to do so.

Once the ramp dropped, everyone marched off the aircraft. Waiting for the General was Captain Bailey of Vanguard-5, someone he has yet to meet however knew that the captain was a close friend to Sharpe and Colonel John Yang, the Ranger's leader. "Can I help you two?"

"Sorry to rush you but we have a problem," Bailey said. "One of yours actually."

"One of mine?" Kysist asked.

"Correct," Yang said. "Yesterday we detected eight thousand Legionaries inbound to this position. They set up camp a few kilometers from here but if they regroup during the night. When they break camp, they should be here in a few hours."

"Few hours?" Malena said. "That should be plenty of time to deal with them with your technology."

"That is the problem," Frayen said.

"Technically, we are allies now," Yang said. "I wouldn't want to kill them just because their orders are out of date. However, I have my orders and I will not allow them to risk this operation. If they get too close to this position, I will order a bombing run on them."

"So," Krysist said. "You want me to convince them that we are on the same side?"

"They probably would believe you over us," Bailey said.

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