V19 - Chapter 228

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"The Italian-led siege of the Jaslo Mountains. The Dwarven Kingdom of Jaslo. As a key supplier of materials, Rondel used to forge enchanted tools and weapons; and having the strategic location guarding over the crossroads town of Populis, NATO was forced to lay siege to the kingdom.

With US forces engaged on other fronts, the Italians took the lead of the operation, successfully containing the dwarves in the mountains. The plan was to move in to flush the dwarves out of their underground fortresses however with the sudden infection outbreak to the east, local NATO forces were forced to call off the operation and redirect their focus. However, they were able to maintain a siege to prevent Jaslo forces from taking the offensive.

With the Battle of Rondel concluded and General Pepreos and the 14th Legion defected. Empress Pina Co Lada forces agreed to help resolve the conflict with the Jaslo Kingdom. After two weeks of negotiations, the General convinced them to withdraw from the League and remain within their borders until the war is over." - Free Alnus News


--- Fort Minick, Alcatris Region ---

Date: July 20th, 2026

Glancing toward the growing town of Alnus in the distance, Sharpe reflected on the short time being here. What felt like a decade, only a year and a half ago, when he and his Rangers first arrived in these lands. The ground below was once a significant battle that the Empire and its allies tried to contest.

What was just grassland with signs of battle now had grown into a small City-State compared to Italica. With a few more years of growth expected, the town will replace Valtris as the largest city in Alcatris.

Hearing another shot, Sharpe looked down at his daughter, Selina, as she laid on the ground holding an M4 rifle, looking through the scope. Having some rare free time on base, he decided to take her out to the shooting range for some father-daughter time alone.

Downrange, Selina missed the target, this being the day's theme. However, he believed she had earned the right to be taught how a rifle worked. She had grown decent with the sidearm.

"Sorry, dad," Selina said.

"It is okay, Princess," Sharpe replied. "This is why we are here. You need to stop fighting the rifle. Treat it right, and it will treat you right."

"Just like a woman," Selina replied with a smirk.

Looking directly toward her, shocked by the comment, Sharpe said, "Where did you hear that?"

Selina looked toward him and replied, "I think you said it when joking with Rory."

Wanting to respond, Sharpe stopped and remembered there was a good chance he made a joke like that. Realizing that he would get in trouble with his wife, he said, "Don't joke like that around your mother, and don't tell her I said that."

"Or?" Selina replied with a grin.

"You spend too much time with Rory," Sharpe said. "I will buy you ice cream. Do you accept the bribe?"

Looking back down-range, Selina started to hum a joyful song. After a moment, teasing her father, she said, "I accept the bribe. But it needs to be three flavors and maybe a puppy."

"Don't push it, you already have a griffon."

Selina giggled before accepting. "Deal."

Sharpe watched his daughter drive around the tar mat as it was a slow day on base. As expected, there had been many zigzagging and random stops as she figured out the balance.

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