V18 - Chapter 210 Rondel Chamber

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It has been five or six months since Selina was sold into slavery by her countrymen during one cold brisk night. Looking up, she sees the dark sky littered with souls, looking down over these lands. Sometimes she wonders if her little brother and parents are looking down, watching.

Hearing the crackling fire, Selina held herself tightly as she struggled to stay warm. In front are the four mercenaries that have been transporting her and a few others. From what she overheard; they are somewhere near Belatrak. These mercenaries sound like they stop here a lot for their slave trafficking business.

They are celebrating as they finished selling the last girl in the group. This is not the first time this has happened; it is the fifth or sixth time these slavers stopped to make side profit. However, she is the primary package for these men - being taken to Sadera as part of some agreement. That does not mean that these men have not enjoyed their property, being lonely weeks in the wilderness and using the excuse 'who would know.

However, there is a new man. This man seemed different, where the other four showed respect. After giving the mercenaries a large handbag, he walked over to her.

The first thing Selina noticed was how well-groomed he is compared to the other four. Most likely a high paying-loyal customer.

The man brushed his hand over Selina's face. "Hello, little one. I am surprised by how pretty you are. You must get your looks from your mother."

"You know my mother?"

The man chuckled. "Of course not." He slowly grabbed Selina's chin, so they were looking at each other. "I can see you are scared. This is a dark world. Bad things happen, and that is how it is, Princess."

Realizing that her captures must have told him who she was, she tried to hurry away. The man grabbed her leg and pulled her back. "You are noble; you can help."

"That is why you are in this mess, Selina," the man said. "Where I am from, I am a respectable Knight, a defender of my people's culture. I had to endure much, killing many, testing my oath, putting aside personal wealth and interest. As a knight, I have forgone having a family of my own, all to maintain my oath for my city." He chuckled for a moment. "Excluding any bastards I might have, but who cares. To have a great city, you have to do the dirty work, and this is my reward."

"Don't be scared but be honored as the one gift I grant to myself is a pleasure. I never had a princess before, and you will be pleasing to a great man and honorable knight."


--- Villa, Directorate Palace, Rondel ---

Date: June 13th, 2026

Selina burst up, placing her hand on her chest as she breathed heavily. She looked around the room with the only battery light on as a nightlight. Seeing Lelei, Tuka, and Yao sound asleep, she felt safe again.

"You ok, little sis?"

Looking over, Selina saw Rory leaning where a window would be, keeping watch. There are times she wished she could be an Apostle, not always having to sleep. "I am fine, Rory."

"The Knight again?"

Selina nodded, not happy by that. "I don't know why I am thinking about him again. I thought I was finally over it, but he keeps coming back." She reached into her purse and pulled out her Smith & Wesson Shield EZ pistol. "Since I got here, I have had this strange feeling."

"Well, this is the first time you've been out of Alnus for a while," Rory said. "And getting here was not easy; I think you might just be stressed out."

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