V14 - Chapter 174 Rouge Trade

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--- Route 18, between Fort Alnus and For Minick ---

April 4th, 2026

Sarah drives the HUMVEE back to Fort Minick after another day of school. In the passenger seat is Selina.

"I see you have been getting along with the other students," she says.

"It has been nicer," Selina says.

"I am glad," she says.

She is glad that life is getting better for Selina. She was worried that Selina would end up as an outcast at the school, but Sharpe seems to have fixed it. She cannot believe what Sharpe did worked.

Now she wants to encourage Selina to be more of a leader at school.

"Sarah," Selina says. "What is it like being with my father? Being around boys?"

"What do you mean... oh," Sarah says. "You mean dating."

"Yeah," Selina says, in an embarrassed tone.

She chuckles; she has been wondering when this conversation would happen. She didn't want to force it because she isn't her mother, just her father's girlfriend. But, she is glad she came to her and not Rory, Lelei, Tuka, or Yao.

"It is great," she answers. "He is a fighter, and I like that. But, he also respects Selina. I can do my own thing, and he supports me in doing it. You see, Selina, a relationship is finding someone you want to support. It is a two-way streak."

"Ok," Selina says. "What about love?"

"Yes, there is love," she replies. "But be careful, Selina. Watch out for just a pretty face."

"What do you mean?" Selina asked.

She takes an annoyed breath as she thinks about her ex. "Some guys will take advantage of you, and you will let them because the woman's heart is big and blinding sometimes. We're women, and we like to support the ones we love, and there are some guys out there who will abuse that. You want to find a guy who wants to support you too."

"Ok," Selina says as she thinks on it.

"Why do you ask?" she asks.

"I saw this cute boy while we were in town," Selina says.

As Selina explains her experience in walking into some boys. It reminded her of her bad experiences with men back in high school.

She finds it cute what Selina is saying. It reminds her of when she was this age, just being a little order.

As she listens, he glances around as she feels that something is wrong.

"Everyone, ok, Sarah?" Selina asks.

"We should have passed a checkpoint by now," she says.

While Fort Minick is only five kilometers away from Alnus, there are still two checkpoints to maintain security.

Suddenly a sniper bullet hits the engine oil, and other fluid sprays the windshield.

She is forced to slam on the breaks, stopping the HUMVEE. "Selina, get down."

She grabs the radio, but notices that it is being jammed.

"Are we under attack?" Selina asks.

She grabs her SIG M17 pistol and loads it. "Selina, grab your sidearm. Anyone who comes here, you shoot them in the head."

"But I thought you said...," Selina starts to say.

She hasn't been the biggest supporter of Selina carrying a sidearm, especially at school. Right now, she no longer cares.

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