The Transfer

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It was finally the start of the new school year. Some were dreading even the thought of waking up early while others were excited to see each other again. For Taeyong, it was a chance to restart and forget all of the traumatic events he experienced over the summer.

He woke up early and got ready quietly, contemplating everything about the new school and praying that everything would go smoothly. Most importantly, he hoped that no one would recognize him. He knew it was impossible, as he had moved to an entirely different state, but his worries got the best of him.

Taeyong stared at himself in the bathroom mirror for a few seconds taking deep breathes before grabbing his bag and walking downstairs. His mom was still asleep so he grabbed a small coffee from the fridge before heading to the bus.

He listened to a few songs and observed the new town. He has lived there for the past two months but never went outside, so everything was still new to him. He got off with a few others once the bus stopped in front of his school. He stood in front for a few seconds, closing his eyes and taking deep breathes.

To others he may have looked weird and he himself knew that, but it was helping him calm down so he didn't care. After about a minute had passed, he finally decided to step forward when someone crashed into him, causing the both of them to fall over.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Taeyong winced as he felt a sharp pain in his foot. "I should be saying that to you!" The boy responded. "Who just stands in front of the school with his eyes closed? We aren't taking exams and we're not in a movie!"

Taeyong stood up slowly, luckily the fall didn't have any kind of lasting damage on his foot. "Well sorry that I don't want to be here. Can you at least apologize?"

The boy rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'm sorry, now I got to go to class so bye."

Taeyong scoffed. What a jerk, he thought as he walked into the school. He headed to the front office to get his map and schedule, then headed to his assigned locker.

He was quietly studying the blueprint of the school when he was snapped out of his trance due to multiple high pitched squeals. He looked up to see what the commotion was, only to roll his eyes as he saw a group of boys walking down the hall with a crowd of people trailing behind them. One of them happened to be the boy from earlier, although he seemed to be less interested in the attention compared to all the other boys.

He also noticed many people staring and whispering at and about him, but he chose to ignore it. He was used to getting a bit of attention from others because of his looks, although he never really bothered entertaining them.

Taeyong sighed and shut his locker as he headed to class, not staying in the hallways any longer after deciding the obsessed students surrounding the clique, which he determined to be the football team after seeming the ball in one of the boys' hands, would lower his IQ if he stayed for any longer.

He located his class and walked in, relieved to see that it wasn't that loud or rowdy. He headed to the back and took out his notebook. He may not seem like it but Taeyong was very smart and an honor student in his previous school.

He got out a notebook and was sketching a few drawings when he heard a few whispers from his classmates.

"Wow. Check out the transfer student."

"He's hot."


Taeyong sighed and pulled out his phone, listening to music while waiting for class to start, when he groaned, noticed a group of people entering the room.

It was the football clique.

He immediately turned up the volume on his device as the exact thing he predicted to happen, happened.

People started jumping all over the boys, and the noise level significantly increased. At least the attention's not on me.

He closed his eyes, feeling the music, just waiting for class to start.


Hey guys! Hopefully you like the first chapter. I'll try to update as often as possible but if I don't I'll try and post as soon as possible after that. Stick around because things will get good soon, I promise :)

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