What Goes Around Comes Around

982 46 16

Bing-geul bing-geul round
what comes around
Goes around
I dosineun jungle spin around

There is not smut in this chapter, but you should not read this aloud if you don't want to be questioned on your reading preferences.

This chapter's also going to be a little spicy, so get your popcorn everyone ~

"What the hell!?"

"That's what you fucking get for saying that shit. I can't believe I was almost married to you." Doyoung spit out, disgusted at the boy who was currently groaning on the floor.

He was just walking to the bathroom, but stopped when he saw two people talking intimately, one of them being his boyfriend.

He leaned closer to the door to hear what they were saying, and his blood boiled when he finally heard the conversation.

The last straw had been when he blamed Taeyong for him getting caught, and he bust in the room to teach the bastard a lesson.

"Ow, who the fuck are you?"

"His boyfriend you sick asshole!"

"Wow, I feel sorry for you. You have to deal with this little fuck." Ren sneered, pointing at Taeyong.

"He's not even good at sex. Sucks you can't be his first." He smirked, loving how Doyoung was visibly getting angrier by the second.

He almost jumped on top of Ren if it weren't for Taeyong holding him back.

He still managed to get out of the older boy's grasp for a second to land a punch in Ren's gut before Taeyong got hold of him again.

At this point, people were starting to gather around at the commotion, but Doyoung didn't care.

"Doyoung," Taeyong whispered, turning Doyoung around to face him. He was scared he was ruining his boyfriend's reputation.

"There are people watching! I'm fine, we can go back to the table."

"That's even better." Doyoung said, grabbing Ren by the collar from where he was still doubled over in pain and dragging him outside of the bathroom in front of the gala's attendees.

Lucky for Doyoung and unlucky for Ren, the bathroom was on the second floor and Doyoung led him to a balcony that over looked the first floor, so everyone at the gathering could clearly see them.

Taeyong quickly followed behind them, and stood a few feet back from where his boyfriend was.

There were many gasps, and people started recording him but he didn't care. All he cared about was getting back at the monster while he had the chance.

He hated using his family's power for anything but this would be an exception.

"Everyone, listen up! I'm sure you all know how powerful my family is, and that I am the heir to our company!"

"If anyone here has a partnership of any sorts with this sick little ass right here, cancel it or you have no chance of getting on my family's good side."

"This asshole raped my boyfriend two years ago and acted like it was his fault he got caught! He tried to harass my boyfriend today yet again in the bathroom, and said, and I quote, "I just got my engagement cancelled and I'm sure if I asked my parents, I could have you. If you were mine, I could do whatever I wanted to you again.""

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