An Interesting Pair

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Taeyong froze. He knew that name. It's one of the football clique members.

He mentally cursed. He already didn't get to be with Ten for their project, and he just wanted to get it done quickly without any obstacles.

But he knew that wasn't going to happen, now that he knew there would be tons of people trying to chase both him and the clique member down.

Not only that, but he has been trying to avoid the popular kids ever since he arrived at the new school. He was almost healed of his past trauma, but seeing them all act like any stereotypical football team during school would bring too many painful memories that he didn't want to see.

The last thing he wanted was to actually interact with one of them before he was properly healed.

Too late though, because his partner had already walked over to his desk.


Taeyong flinched at the loud voice. His eyes widened at the sight of the boy. The rude boy who still hadn't properly apologized for falling into him a few weeks ago.

"You!" Taeyong said, half shocked and half annoyed.

"Excuse me? That's a rude way of greeting your partner. You were zoning out."

"Are you going to properly apologize first, uh, what's your name?"

"Um, Doyoung? You?"


"Nice, now, apologize? For what?"

Taeyong scoffed. He doesn't even remember.

"You still haven't properly apologized for crashing into me on the first day of school. That hurt you know? I was bleeding on my knee."

"Oh. I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood that day, I didn't know."

Taeyong sighed, sensing that the boy was genuine this time.

"It's fine. Anyways, do you want to meet at the cafe near here after school to start working?" Taeyong asked.

"Oh wait," he started again. "I just remembered, you have football practice today right?"

Doyoung shook his head confused, which made Taeyong confused as well.

"But you always hang out with the football team. Aren't you on it to?"

Doyoung's expression changed as he understood why Taeyong said that.

"Ah, no. Me and three of the players, Jung Jaehyun, Kim Jungwoo and Dong Sicheng are childhood friends/neighbors. Jaehyun is part of the football team and the three of us hang out with them. The boys are actually pretty nice, at least nicer than what most people think."

"Oh okay. Well then you can meet me at 3:15?"

"Sure, I'll see you then."

Taeyong nodded and they both left for their next classes. He felt kind of bad for thinking so lowly of the jocks, because he promised himself he wouldn't stereotype them just because of him. He shuddered as the thought of that jerk left a bad taste in his mouth. He quickly walked off to his next class and tried to distract himself.

*time skip*

Taeyong sat down at a booth and grabbed his supplies from his backpack. He decided to draw while he waited for Doyoung to show up.

He heard the bell above the door sound and looked up to see Doyoung walking towards him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late I had to go home and get something." He said as he said across from Taeyong.

"It's fine, I just got here too." Taeyong lied as he put away his sketch book. He didn't want to make Doyoung feel embarrassed, and besides, he hadn't been waiting long anyways.

"So do you want to order first?" Taeyong asked as he picked up the menu. Doyoung nodded and picked up his as well.

"I've never been here before, is there anything good?" Taeyong said, looking over the options.

Doyoung's face brightened. He loved cooking and food.

"Oh yeah! I come here all the time, and I know the owner personally!"

Taeyong smiled at how the younger was excitingly recommending many things and getting immersed in the world of food.


Wait what? Taeyong shook his head and tuned back into what Doyoung was talking about, ignoring what he just thought.

They ordered their drinks, and started to work on their project, stopping when their order came.

"Mmmh. This is really good Doyoung!" Taeyong said as he sipped his drink.

Doyoung hummed in delight as he tried his own drink.

They continued to work and finally stopped after the sun set.

"Okay. We should stop here for now." Doyoung said stretching. Taeyong agreed and they packed their stuff and walked out of the cafe.

"My house is pretty close to here so I'll head home now." Taeyong said, pointing to their right.

"Okay, I'll head home too. Stay safe!"

They waved and started waking in opposite directions.


Hi guys :) I just wanted to say really quickly that I might change tenses during the writing because I'm too lazy to keep it all the exact same so hopefully you don't mind!

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