Unexpected Night (TW// sexual assault)

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Hey so this chapter is going to include a bit of Taeyong getting assaulted. It won't be that bad and I won't go into bad details about it but if you are uncomfortable then you can skip this part!

Taeyong was waking peacefully towards his house when he started to hear footsteps behind him. He ignored it at first, hoping the person would go away but they didn't. He walked faster and was about to start running away when he was suddenly shoved into a dark alleyway by 2 men.

"G-get away from me, or I'll call the police!" Taeyong threatened, trying to make his voice as steady as possible.

"Mmmh, no."  The first man responded, the alcohol present in his voice as he slurred through his words.

"Hey baby," the second man started. "That's mean." He was slightly more sober but still not in a good state.

Taeyong started to panic. He didn't know what to do, he had no weapons except for a few pens, and he was faced 2-1.

There was no way out except to run or scream.

He tried to put his escape plan in action but was quickly stopped by one of the men grabbing his jaw harshly.

"Where do you think you're going?" He growled as his hands started to uncomfortably and messily roam around Taeyong's body.


Taeyong started to tear up as he yelled, trying to get the attention of anyone that could happen to pass by.

He felt disgusting as the first man started to painfully give him sloppy hickeys on every piece of available skin.

The second man was much worse, and Taeyong was terrified when he saw the man unzip his pants.

He screamed louder as the men ripped off his shirt.

He started to break down when he heard a loud groan coming from one of the men.

He looked up to see Doyoung punching the second man in the jaw while the first man was holding his crotch in pain.

It wasn't that hard for him to defeat the two creeps, they were both drunk and the one Doyoung had kicked in the crotch already had his pants unzipped, which disgusted him but made the blow more effective.

He quickly helped Taeyong up and once he saw the the boy was still very shaken up and barely able to walk because of what the two men did, carried him a safe distance away from the alley before putting him down.

"T-thanks," Taeyong stuttered, still shaking because of the events that just occurred.

"No worries. Those men were disgusting. They didn't hurt you badly anywhere right?" Doyoung said worried as he checked over Taeyong to make sure there weren't any injuries.

He scowled when he saw the red marks on his neck and wrists. He quickly took off his jacket and put it on Taeyong, as his shirt was still ripped and abandoned in the alley.

"Those assholes."

Taeyong looked up at Doyoung. "Thank you, really." He said as he slipped on the jacket he had just been given.

Doyoung's anger towards the two men quickly turned into sadness and softness when he saw the look in Taeyong's eyes.

He hugged him, which surprised both of them. But, they both settled into it and stayed that way for a few seconds before pulling away, realizing they were still in the middle of a dark sidewalk.

"Okay, well I guess I'll just head h-home." Taeyong stuttered on the last part, and that didn't go unnoticed by Doyoung. He already had a plan to take the older boy to his house, and his stuttering just confirmed his idea.

"Not so fast. If you think I'm just letting you go home after that you've got another thing coming to you."

"But my house is right there!" Taeyong said, not wanting to bother Doyoung anymore.

While running, Doyoung hadn't known where he was going and unknowingly ended up at what apparently was Taeyong's house.

Doyoung looked at the dark house.

"It doesn't seem like anyone is home at your house, and I refuse to let you stay there all alone."

Taeyong tried to argue but was quickly stopped as Doyoung dragged him away from his house.

He paused for a second while waiting for Taeyong to tell his mom he wouldn't be home tonight, and that he was staying at Ten's. He then messaged Ten as well to make sure there wouldn't be any questions for him when he went back home later.

Once he finished, Doyoung continued pulling him away from his house.

"W-wait, where are we going then?" Taeyong asked.

"To my house." Doyoung responded, not stopping as he pulled Taeyong along with him.

He paused for a second before continuing.

"I promise I won't do anything. I don't know how much that means but I have very high moral standards and I promise that if I even have a thought of touching you, I will hand you a knife and you can cut my b-"

"I get it! Don't worry, I don't think I will do that, you seem trustworthy." Taeyong cut him off. He wasn't one to trust others that easily but something about Doyoung made Taeyong want to trust him.

Doyoung looked at Taeyong while continuing to walk.

"I was serious though, I want you to know that. I really would never take advantage of you, or anyone for that matter." He said sincerely.

Taeyong looked at Doyoung's eyes, and saw that he was being genuine.

"I know. Thank you."

Doyoung smiled at Taeyong and they continued to walk to his house, talking about school and with Doyoung telling Taeyong about the football team.

They stopped when they reached Doyoung's house and Taeyong gasped.

"Wow. You live here?"

Doyoung nodded and walked towards the huge modern style mansion, Taeyong following behind.

"Most of the house is being occupied for an event right now, so you'll have to sleep in my room with me. But I'll sleep on the floor and you can have the bed." Doyoung said as they walked up the beautifully crafted staircase.

Taeyong quickly opposed him saying that he didn't want to bother Doyoung anymore, but the younger boy wouldn't allow Taeyong to sleep on the floor.

Taeyong eventually stopped arguing, feeling that he would never win.

After they both got settled into their respective sleeping areas, they exchanged quick good nights and turned off the lights.

Taeyong whispered a last thank you to Doyoung before falling asleep.


Hey guys :) hopefully you like this chapter. I'm not that great at writing dark stuff so hopefully this chapter was tolerable. Next chapter will also be a little dark so just be prepared.

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