Chapter 7 The beginning

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In front of Yami stood two women, or rather, Waifus.

First was a tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long light blue hair, blue eyes and big breasts. She wore a white General's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms and high-heeled boots. She also has a tattoo on her chest and a rapier on her side. Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill;

The one on the left had blood on her and a few injuries but it didn't affect her beauty. She had chin-length black hair, grey eyes and looked more asian than the woman on the right. She was fairly tall, well-toned and obviously well trained.

Mikasa from Attack On Titan;

Esdeath already had one hand on her rapier and the other ready to throw icicles at Yami. Mikasa also had both swords drawn, ready to use the 3d maneuver gear.

Yami just smiled at them and clapped his hands.

"Well, well, this isn't really a proper way to greet your future husband, but I can understand your confusion, so let me introduce myself, I'm Yami, the champion of God and the one who summoned both of you here."

Esdeath felt wary of this strange man, but also excited because he said something about husband. She had been searching for a man for years now and she was at the point that she would take anyone who she took the least liking to.

Mikasa was even more cautious, the last thing she remembered was the mouth of a titan coming towards her, and now she was in this strange but wonderful place.

"Where is this? I should be dead now, is this where you go after dying?"

"Mikasa, this here is a world called Paradise. Also, as I said before, I have summoned you, or rather, I heard your requests."

Mikasa was stunned a bit but tightened the grip on her swords. She didn't understand what this man was saying.

"How do you know my name and what do you mean by requests?"

Yami nodded and started to "explain".

"You see, what I mean by request is a heart-felt wish. As far as Esdeath, the woman besides you, is concerned, she wants to find a husband that she deems as worthy. And you, you want to get away from your hell of a world and just be able to live a happy life. Thus I acted to fulfill your wishes. I'm doing this in the name of God if you want to know."

Yami had changed into his mature form because it would make things easier. He used the power he had over this world to make himself two pairs of wings and a halo. He flew up and smiled down upon them.

He got information on the backstory of both of them once he rolled the gatcha, it was a bit different from the Anime:

Mikasa's world is actually another planet where all the apocalyptic-type anime are situated. There were still the walls and so on, but she was alone all the time. She fought against the titans and survived battle after battle, while seeing her comrades being eaten. She didn't want to fight anymore, she didn't have anything to fight for, she just wanted a happy life. And at one mission her gear malfunctioned and she would have been eaten if Yami hadn't teleported her to Paradise.

Esdeath was also on another planet, a medieval one. But she didn't particularly like the Empire she was serving, she just saw it as a means to find a good man, but none could meet her eye. She was desperate to find one but just couldn't. So once she saw this man in front of her, she thought that maybe he could be suitable.

It seemed that the Gatcha didn't make them love him, but gave him a perfect opportunity to win their hearts.

"Very well, do you have anything else you want to know?"

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