Chapter 12 First scenario

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Yami finished his cut of tee first before replying.

"It is indeed true that might makes right and that the weak will suffer under the strong if the strong so desires, because they can't do anything against it. Those are not ways of thinking, those are facts. All of us know that might makes right and it is important to become stronger, otherwise you won't be able to live life as you want. The "morals" and "right way to do things" is nothing but a fabrication of humans and other living beings. In face of absolute might, so what if killing is "wrong"? What are you going to do about it? The only reason why we are all following the laws that were set up by the government is because there are people strong enough to force us to do so. Our "civilized society" can crumble once something major happens and we will be no better than beasts. If humans from this "civilized" country would go to Mikasa's original world, they would just throw away all the "morale" and "right and wrong" to be able to survive."

Mikasa and Esdeath were a bit stunned by the deep words of Yami and couldn't help but feel respect for his very interesting and controversial but true view of things.

"However, there is indeed something that is bothering me in your way of thinking. The weak won't forever be weak and even the strong will still have to watch their backs. Just because someone is strong doesn't mean that he should do whatever he wants to and just because someone is weak at the moment doesn't mean that it is "their fault for being weak and dying because of their weakness", like you said when your family was killed. Don't worry, I'm not sentimental, I'm saying it from a rather "objective" standpoint, although nobody is really able to be "objective". I will let you think about my words a bit and reflect upon your own world-view, the next time I come we can have a discussion. See you later."

Both of them were in deep thought so he just quietly exited the building.

[The constellation "Godfather" is interested in your view, 300 Points have been sponsored]

"Hey, System, why haven't I acquired the "Bullshit No Jutsu" already?"

Yami thought that after spilling so much bullshit he would finally get the most "powerful" jutsu there is and indeed, after a few seconds the system beeped again.

[Aktive skill acquired: Bullshit No Jutsu/ Talk No Jutsu

Description: The world is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ]

Scanned over the sixty pages of text. Yes, sixty pages of text! SIXTY PAGES! The whole description was one gigantic Bullshit no Jutsu! There was everything, from "Good and Evil" to "The most tragic backstory" and of course "I'm the same as you" and


For the first time in his life, he was afraid of the power of a skill he had.

"This technique is "too dangerous to be left alive"! With this I could have "UNLIMITED POWERRRRR!"I will have the "High ground" in every battle however, I "swore to destroy the Shōnen not join them" even then it is still a "fine addition to my collection", so "take a seat young Jutsu". Now "I am the bullshit" so "don't underestimate my power" but this new found power could also consume me, seriously Yami, "don't try it"."

Yami started to go crazy after having to read so much nonsense. I took him a long time until his strange behaviour started to calm down with the words: "I really "love degeneracy" and the first thing I do is starting to spew dumb and wrong Star Wars Memes that are long dead, "Ironic"..."

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