Chapter 10 Angel of Death Strikes

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Yami looked at the message the system showed him.

"So God interfered with Esdeath to make her a masochist? Seriously, that old man really likes that kind of kinky stuff huh. Well it works in my favour so I will just go along with it."

He had already arrived at Tsunade's place and just went inside. After all she was probably still in the unconscious state. And indeed, she still lay where Yami left her but it didn't look bad at all. It was more like the sleeping beauty.

{She is currently still undergoing evolution.}

Yami sat down next to her and started stroking her head while admiring her cute sleeping face. He didn't know whether it was his imagination, but she looked even better now than before falling unconscious. He guessed that it could be a positive effect of the evolution.

"Eve, Tsunade fell asleep once she passed the point of having 100 affection and she was categorized as "Lover", right? Why didn't the same happen with Esdeath and Hinata? Especially considering the absurd amount that Esdeath has."

{I'm not certain but I believe that it is because the system didn't see it as necessary. The point of the evolution is, as it said, that they will be able to stand at your side. It has several effects, but they all aim to make them perfect Waifu's. But some don't need that because they are already considered as perfect Waifu's. For one, Waifu's from the Gatcha are already in their "perfect" form, no that's not exactly it. Let me explain it to you in another way; The "evolution" is a drastic measure to make sure that these women can be part of your harem, that involves changes in strength, given physical problems, or especially their mind. The Waifu's from the gatcha are summoned through the gatcha and are also influenced by it constantly. As you have seen with Esdeath, the sadist side was seen as a problem, so God and the system worked to change it and thus they slowly added the masochist side to her personality. No need to worry, it is rather something like a constant subconscious suggestion rather than true brainwashing.}

"Okay, but what about Hinata? She isn't from the Gatcha and also in the Lovers category."

{You see, Yami-sama, the old man probably considered her Yandere side to either be a good thing for your harem, or he just found it interesting. Or maybe something else? But I can assure you that the system won't let any of the wives kill another. And for other things, you can just use the collar to make sure she doesn't go against any of your wishes. Oh, I almost forgot something; Paradise has the advantage that this world is trying to help you out constantly. Don't think too much about it but it just means that the longer someone, a girl, is in here, the more favourable they will see you. And if you confess to someone in here, you have a higher chance of success so I recommend that you summon all the Gatcha's in here.}

"Thanks for all the exposition. Well, I should probably go to Mikasa now. From what you said, it should mean that she now has a better opinion of me than before right? I will leave you again, my dear Tsunade."

Stroking one last time Yami stood up and went to Mikasa, he knocked on the door and waited. After a short while she opened and Yami went inside.

"Good day to you, Mikasa. How was your time here? You should have read the things I left you with about this world and all. Do you have any questions or anything else you want to say?"

"Not really. I have read the books and all the rules seemed fine by me."

"Have you decided what you want to do from now on? After all, you are in a different world now."

"I want to explore and maybe find someone to be with"

"Explore? Well, I don't really mind, but even if it isn't like your old world, the outside world has a lot of dangers. At the moment I wouldn't recommend you to go out there on your own, but the decision is up to you. So?"

"If it really is that dangerous I might as well stay until it passes away"

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