Chapter 14

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(We have; a hot psychopath with a sword that likes to kill zombies. A hot Ara Ara psychopath that has the power of time and is freaking OP and kills people to sustain her power. A hot psychopathic gothic lolita who is the apostel of a death god and likes to kill people with her scythe. A hot gambling addict who could also be called a psychopath in her own right, she would even bet her own life after all. A "normal" girl who is trying to avenge her sister by killing her monster-teacher with the same tentacle-powers that "killed" her sister. The only girl who could be called normal is a "bunny-girl-senpai''...)

(On the other hand we have a cute boy who has the strong talent of assassination. His friend is also a kind of psychopath who could jump from a cliff just to kill his teacher. And there is the "quiet-kid" who is a genius and likes to manipulate the people around him, he is both a sociopath and psychopath. And all of them are frickin badass! And they are also what you would call handsome and hot.)

[The constellation "Demon-like Judge of Fire" is ...]

(I'M NOT GAY! NO! Just no!)

This class was definitely special.

All of their eyes were on him.

Yami put his right hand in front of his left chest while putting his left hand behind his back and crossing his left foot behind his right leg. This was his characteristic way of introduction and greeting, he quite liked it and found it very cool.

"My name is Yami, I will be your new classmate starting from now."

He closely observed the reactions of the aforementioned students.

Saeko Busujima seemed pretty normal although she had a sword on her waist. She just smiled slightly at him to give the new classmate a warm welcome.

Kurumi Tokisaki licked her lips while saying Ara Ara. It seemed she had found something interesting in him. Yami shuddered a bit at that look, he already had a very disturbing idea why she would look at him like that.

(If I'm right, I should have quite a lot of time if she were to "eat" me, right?)

{Indeed Master, you should be careful of her, she is very dangerous for you at the moment.}

(She is so overpowered that she can even go back in time and change events, so duh... I should really get stronger through SAO before I come back into this class. If not, she will probably first play with me first before killing me, just like a cat with its prey...)

The strangest reaction of all was Rory Mercury. Just looking at him made her cheeks flush and her breathing became heavier and more ragged. It was as if she also saw something more in him just like Kurumi.

(Is this gaze hostile?)

{I don't think so, it is rather a kind of amazement, interest and maybe even reverence for whatever she saw in you...}

(I hope it is because of the relation I have to God, otherwise I can only think of one thing that can make the apostle of a death-god have such a reaction...)

As if trying to press this thought out of his head, Yami looked at the next girl, Yumeko Jabami. She didn't have a strong reaction, but she also seemed to be happy that another student joined them. Maybe she planned to have a small gambling-match with him.

The last of the girls was the only one who wasn't sweet but a psycho. Strangely enough she had a bunny-girl outfit on and didn't really look at him. However, once she noticed his gaze she started to stare back at him. Mai Sakurajima.

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