Chapter 11

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Yami explained to them what "Paradise" was and told them his plan for them:

As he said, he wanted them to be the first "subjects" of this world. Yami wanted to build a real civilization in Paradise and the first step in this project was the people who would live here. There were only different kinds of demi-human kids in front of him but they would actually make good first subjects.

Demi-humans are superior to normal humans in things such as strength. Futhermore, as kids whom he saved from slavery they should be grateful to him and would most likely be very loyal to him in the future. They were still young so they could be influenced pretty easily.

(If they are the same as Raphtaila and the growth of these demi-human kids works the same as in "Rising of the Shield Hero", then they can mature very quickly in given circumstances. Hmm, maybe I can even speed it up if they are inside my soul-world? Meh, I probably don't have enough power to be able to do such a thing, yet.)

First he built housings for them and then gave them necessities so that they could live happily for the meantime but Yami also told them that they will also have to work once they are ready.

Yami wanted them to build the civilization on their own, or rather, he would give them all the resources but he wanted the world to be self-sustaining.

(Well, I will just help them and look at how this project will develop. Almost all of them are already teenagers and some are already old enough to work but at the moment labour will just be on a voluntary basis. If I "save" them just to use them to work it will be just like slavery and my plans will immideatly go down the drain.)

He had already made a warehouse with things such as crops, tools and resources such as wood.

Yami wouldn't treat "his" people badly and he already liked these demi-human kids. One of the reasons might be that most of them were girls, what else to expect if they should be sold in an auction, and they were freaking adorable with their tails and ears. There was a big variety of different kinds of demi-humans, there were cat, dog, fox, wolf, rabbit and raccoon ears and tails. And Yami loved every kind of it! Fox-tails were fluffy and cat ears were cute!

[The constellation "Furry-heaven" has sponsored 300 System Poins]

"Right, I have also got a lot of points for the quest and because God seemed to have enjoyed my killing-spree show..."

Because he needed to get back to the Anteiku and also because he was drained after killing all those ghouls and creating all those things inside his soul-world he decided to leave the demi-humans alone for a bit of time.

"I think after all that happened today you would probably like some time alone so I will be taking my leave."

The kids said their goodbyes with grateful eyes as they saw their saviour disappear.

(It seems that the world has already started to increase their trust in me...)

Yami thought while walking back to the cafe.

{While that is true, your actions and interaction with them should be the real reason why they are already liking you. Raphtaila's influence should also be a reason as well as their age.}

Yami just nodded and decided not to think too much about this stuff. He would check on them the next night.

It was already pretty late when Yami arrived back at the Anteiku, thankfully Yoshimura had given him a key. Without making much sound Yami went to his own room and sat down on his bed.

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