5: Waterworks

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Porcelain Dolls.


Chapter five:


“It's funny how you can go from hating a girl to maybe liking her, maybe liking her a lot, just because she shows a little interest in you.” 
Louis SacharThe Cardturner: A Novel about a King, a Queen, and a Joker


Saskia had wandered around school most of the day in a trance, her parent’s conversation from the previous night laying heavy on her mind. Matt had asked her if she had wanted to go with him to collect the tickets for the rave after school, but she turned him down, saying that she’d have to get home and complete any homework before her parents would let her go. Which was another thing… she still hadn’t asked them, and wasn’t exactly sure if her dad would let her go, especially if she told him it was with a boy. But lying just wasn’t an option for her.

Grabbing her bag from the backseat, Saskia and Allison made their way into her house, noting the usual baby blue jeep next door was missing. Her father’s police patrol car was also gone, so she knew her father must be at the station, which made the situation a little easier.

 As the two girls entered the house, they ran straight up to Saskia’s room to decipher which outfit would be best for the rave.

 “What about this?” Allison asked a few minutes after sorting through Saskia’s wardrobe. She already had an outfit picked out at home which she was planning on wearing, but Saskia had practically begged the girl over to help, seeing as Lydia was busy that evening with her mother.

 In Allison’s hands were a simple white lace top, and a pair of cut off denim shorts. They’d mentioned that they didn’t want to look too over-dressed, and essentially they were only going to end up sweaty so she didn’t want anything too nice that she’d ruin. The outfit was perfect.

The two girls walked downstairs, spotting Saskia’s mother in the front room surfing through cooking channels.

 “Mom, can we talk?” Saskia’s voice made her mother, who was too engrossed with the show; jump a little, as she quickly paused the channel.

 “What’s up, Sass?” She’d only just spotted Allison as she turned from the sofa, and stood quickly to greet the girl.

“Uh, this is my friend Allison. We were actually planning on going out tomorrow night, if that’s okay with you?” An innocent smile crossed both young girls’ faces. The girl’s would be arriving separately as Allison had said she’d already arranged a lift there – much to Saskia’s dismay – but in order to be allowed to go, she’d have to bend the truth a little. Or more so, just keep some of the facts hidden.

“Well, that depends where ‘out’ is. I’m working late tomorrow, and dad has a late at the station, so he’ll be gone too.” 

Saskia relaxed a little, knowing that it meant her father wouldn’t be home to ask questions. “Well, we have tickets to this… Well, this rave tomorrow night. We were planning on going together. Thought it would be a good bonding experience.” She cringed inwardly at her own words, but she was more than aware of how guilty her mother felt for pulling Saskia away from her friends in Beacon Hills in the first place, let alone doing it again in New York. Sure, she didn’t have many friends in New York, but she was fairly close to the few she did.

Porcelain Dolls - Stiles Stilinski - // Book One \\Where stories live. Discover now