22: Prove Yourself

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A.N: Quick message just to make you aware there is a scene that some people may find triggering, if you, or anyone you know is suffering with child abuse, please seek help and know you are not alone, and you can, and deserve to be safe.

US or Canada ((Child Help)): 1-800-422-4453

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New Zealand ((Kidsline)): 0800-543-754

Please don't suffer alone.

Porcelain Dolls.

Chapter 22.

"You can say: This did happen to me. It was that bad. It was the fault and responsibility of the adult. I was – and am – innocent."

- The courage to heal, Laura Davis and Ellen Bass.

           Saskia had been awaiting Lydia's return from the moment she'd left. Dealing with Allison being gone all summer was hard enough, she wasn't prepared to spend the rest of it without her strawberry blonde friend. So when she finally received a text telling her that not only was she home, but she was also completely unpacked and more than ready to hit a mall, Saskia all but ran around her house looking for her left shoe.

Lydia picked her up twenty minutes prior to the text, so long as she let Lydia help her find a dress for the Police ball that coming weekend, and after Lydia had spent the entire car ride complaining about how inconsiderate it was that they had a police ball the weekend before Saskia's birthday party they finally arrived at Macy's, Lydia already spotting a few dresses from the second she walked in, and she continued to complain as she walked around the shop grabbing at dresses whilst Saskia had to speed-walk to keep up with her, following her around like a lost puppy.

Lydia had argued with the changing room attendant about the amount of dresses Saskia could take it, but once the two had agreed on a max of 13, Lydia all but pushed Saskia into a dressing room with the mass amount of dresses. Saskia didn't oppose shopping, but this was ridiculous. She could just picture Lydia sat outside waiting impatiently for her on the comfortable sofa. After a few hours and a ridiculous amount of fabric later, Saskia had tried on dresses of all colors, lengths and styles but felt no closer to finding the right dress. Or at least, Lydia's idea of the right dress. Saskia would've given up after three dresses. But Saskia brushed down the dark red fabric and silently prayed to anyone who would listen that the slightly low top cut would appease her friend.

"Are you done? Of you don't like it I saw a pale green one earlier that would compli-"

Leaving the changing room before her friend made a last minute dash for the green dress, Saskia stepped out and managed to silence Lydia. Her eyes were dragging the girl's entire appearance from head to toe scrutinizing how the fabric fell, before a sly smile spread across her beautiful face, and she simply nodded. "That is the one." Lydia's smile was contagious, and Saskia wasn't sure if she was smiling because it was a huge compliment, or because she was finally able to leave the damn store. Walking over to the floor length mirror, Saskia took in her appearance whilst trying to push back any insecurities to the back of her mind.

"Now we just have your birthday outfit, then we can move onto shoes!" Lydia clapped her hands together, and Saskia could feel her face literally drain.

"Uh, my mom actually already bought me an outfit..."

"You need to stop letting your mom buy all your clothes. I don't recall a single time I've even seen you wearing a skirt." It was clear Lydia was a little pissed that her mall day was ending so soon.

Porcelain Dolls - Stiles Stilinski - // Book One \\Where stories live. Discover now