Dean & Sam Winchester

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Munchies :]
Rated: PG-13 for drugs and alcohol use

It was a rare time where the boys and I didn't have a case. We actually haven't had a case in about a week.

I have always been like a little sister to the boys although I was older than Sammy by one month, which I always rubbed in his face.

I was always a party person, always enjoyed drinking and smoking weed every once in a while.

I know Dean didn't mind since he'd partake anytime I had it, but Sammy seemed to disapprove.

Dean and I were bored when Sam went to the grocery store to restock the fridge in the bunker, so we decided to smoke.

We were in the living room - since I've moved into the bunker I added a tv and some other necessities for relaxation - watching Family Guy. We packed a bowl and smoked that. We also had some edibles out.

"Hey I sure am hungry Dean," I told him.

"Me too, let's call Sammy," he replied.

We dialed his number and it rang, "What do you guys want?"

"Don't be mean, Sammy. We're hungry and want snacks," I said.

"Yeah get us some chips and brownies and ice cream and pie. I want pie," Dean said.

You could hear Sammy sigh over the phone, "Anything else?"

"Beer and whiskey!!!!!" I yelled.

He sighed, "Ok," and hung up.

We smoked another bowl, watching more Family Guy and waited for Sammy to get back home with our munchies.

After another 5 minutes, Sammy came inside with bags of groceries. Dean and I shot off the couch and ran to him.

I gave him a huge hug when I saw my brownies and ice cream. Dean grabbed his pie, thanked his brother and headed back to the couch with me.

Sammy put the groceries away and sat down on the couch.

He saw my piece, shook his head and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So I don't have to ask you guys what you did today," Sammy said sarcastically.

"Dean, Sammy's being mean," I pouted.

"Don't be mean to Y/N," Dean said in a serious tone.

Sammy reached over for a brownie and ate it. I didn't even realize what happened until I was looking for my edible, "Sammy, which brownie did you just eat?"

"I don't know, it was next to the chips," he replied.

"Sammy that was my edible," I told him a little disappointed.

He looked freaked out. Dean was laughing his ass off. This was going to be very interesting.

He freaked out, running around wondering what he should do. He started drinking a lot of water. We were just laughing at him the whole time and told him to calm down.

We all did some shots after it kicked in a bit.

It hit Sam really hard. He decided he wanted to dress up. When he came out of his room he was wearing a priest's outfit. I laughed so hard that I almost spit my beer out.

That made him mad a little and tore off the sleeves yelling, "Sam smash!!!" just like the Incredible Hulk.

Dean and I laughed so hard.

Dean then decided he'd dress up and when he came out of his room, he was in all black with a mask, "I'm Batman!!!" He laughed. We laughed with him.

"Y/N it's your turn," they both encouraged me to dress up and I really didn't want to.

I went into my room and put on my 10th doctor dress, I ran into the living room with my glasses and sonic screwdriver, "Allons-y Alonso!!!"

They both laughed and I smiled. We watched The Incredible Hulk, Batman and Doctor Who after that and fell asleep on the couch.

That was one fun night.

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