George Weasley x OC

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Warning: There is mention of rape.

Amelia's POV
Hi my name is Amelia and I'm currently sitting on the Hogwarts Express for the first time in my life at the age of 14. Most people are extremely happy to go to a magic school to learn all sorts of things, but I was an absolute mess.

Let's start at the beginning. My mother died giving birth to me and my father killed himself shortly after that. I never knew my parents, but I did know that my father was a wizard and my mother was a muggle which made me a half-blood.

I was put into an orphanage that I absolutely hated because everyone was so mean to me. Everyone always made fun of me and called me a 'freak' no matter what I was doing.

When I was nine a seemingly nice wizard family came to adopt me. They had a son that was about my age. They were even worse than the kids at the orphanage. They treated me like a slave. I was forced to cook, clean, shop for them and pretty much do anything they wanted.

When I was 11 years old I received my letter from Hogwarts and was super excited. The family raising me was not excited because their son had not received a letter and told me I wasn't allowed to go, so I didn't.

Every year I received my Hogwarts letter and their son didn't, so they'd make me burn my own letter and pretend like I never got it.

About 4 months ago I was in their son's room folding his clothes listening to muggle radio on my headphones. I didn't hear the door close and I was too late to notice anyone coming up behind me. I was knocked unconscious. When I came to, I realized I wasn't wearing any underwear and my head felt fuzzy. When I got up I saw one of my adopted brother's friends pulling his pants back on. I was raped. I began crying immediately.

Two months ago I received my new letter from Hogwarts and kept it to myself because I hadn't been feeling well. I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and found out I'm pregnant. Last week I packed all my belongings into a small bag that had an undetectable extender charm on it - I may not have been to school, but on my forced shopping outings I bought a wand and some spell books from Diagon Alley - and ran away from that awful house.

So here I am now sitting down in the compartment by myself hoping to get to Hogwarts as soon as possible. I have a baggy sweater since my pregnant stomach began showing a bit, hopefully the robes will cover me up here. My hair is wavy and light brown going right past my shoulder. I have golden brown eyes and a few freckles sprinkled on my nose.

"Knock knock, do you mind if we join you -" a tall ginger boy asked me.

"-everywhere else is full," an identical version of the first ginger said behind him.

I slowly nodded my head and scooted towards the window allowing then to come inside and sit down.

"I'm Fred Weasley and this is my twin-" Fred started.

"-George Weasley. And what's your name love?" George finished.

"Amelia Lewis," I responded with a hint a pink to my cheeks from George calling me love. He is definitely the cuter twin.

"What year are you? I don't think we've ever seen you before," George stated.

I shook my head, "I'll be in my fourth year, but it's my first year here."

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