George Weasley

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For Kay3Lang thanks for being so patient :) hope you like it

The battle of Hogwarts is underway and I've been tending to the wounded as they are brought into the Great Hall.

George didn't want me anyway near the fight, but I felt obligated to help in any way possible.

George and I have been engaged for a bit now, so he's been trying to protect me as much as he could during these dark times.

I was super worried that I'd see any of my friends come into the Great Hall on a stretcher, but I was especially worried that I'd see George on one.

Fortunately I didn't see George, but I did see the next worst thing, Fred came into the Great Hall on a stretcher.

He wasn't moving.  I rushed over to Fred, "Freddie wake up," I say trying to wake him up.

He doesn't move, silent tears begin.

The rest of the Weasley family comes into the Great Hall and we all start crying together over Fred's death. George is affected the most.

*2 Months Later*

We're all doing slightly better with Fred's death, but we aren't 100%.

We are getting married tomorrow and George is super excited as am I.

Molly, Ginny, Fleur, Hermione, Luna and my mom are all in the room with me helping me get ready.

Fleur did my hair, Ginny did my makeup, Molly and my mom helped me into my dress, and Hermione and Luna helped me with everything else, like my shoes and bouquet.

"You ready?" My mom asks me.

I smile, "Yes I'm ready."

As we leave the room, everyone lines up and there's Ron to walk me down the aisle. My father died during the battle, so Ron happily agreed to walk me down the aisle.

The music started, the doors opened and it was time.

Ron walked me down the aisle and George looked so handsome. 

"You look beautiful," he whispers as he hands my hand.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I wink, smile and hold his hand.

"The couple has prepared their own vows," the priest said.

I went first: it was simple and to the point saying how much I loved him everyday we were together, but George's made me cry so much, "Kayla I have been attracted to you since the moment I laid eyes on you. At first it was a physical attraction, let's be honest you're hot. (Everyone laughs including me.) Then you were sorted into Gryffindor and became great friends with Fred and I. We pulled pranks together, like that time we exploded the toilets or sent the toilet seat to Ginny. I learned that you wanted to become a healer and you helped Fred and I, sometimes even Ron, when Hermione couldn't, with our studies even when you were super busy with your own. I fell in love with you after knowing you for a year and when we began dating, everyone was so relieved, I was just happy you said yes. We fell in love and Fred would tease us constantly.  You were there for all of us when he died and we appreciate it so much more than you'll ever know, especially since you were mourning as well.  We've had so many fond memories together, I can't wait to make new memories together.  I love you Kayla."

Everyone had tears in their eyes, "Georgie that was beautiful.  I love you too," I whisper.

"Thank you," he whispers back.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said.  We kiss, everyone cheers and we live happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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