Dean Winchester x OC

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Waiting for Dean

There was a two story white house, with a beautiful front lawn and a wooden gate that went around the property. A black 1967 Chevy Impala was in the driveway. When you step inside, there were pictures everywhere: some from a wedding some of a little boy, a few of the family, and some of the couple when they first started dating. A fire was lit in the fireplace and on top of the mantle was a photo of Sam and Dean Winchester with Bobby Singer and next to that was a picture of Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Dean's new family at their wedding.

Up stairs in the bedroom was Dean Winchester sleeping in his bed, while his wife, Jennie was downstairs in the kitchen cooking breakfast listening to Carry on my Wayward Son. Jennie was making pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. She had the table set for three and waited for her family to come downstairs. She picked up a piece of bacon and was about to take a bite, but someone beat her to it.

"Mmm...nice song choice sweetheart and love the bacon," Dean said with a toothy grin.

She giggled, "Thanks hot shot." She turned her back to him to finish cooking, "Go wake up Johnny."

She heard Dean race upstairs and then some loud noises, "He's jumping on his bed again."

They raced downstairs, "Mommy, mommy!"

Jennie turned around and lifted her son up, "Hey baby, how'd you sleep?"

"Great. I had a dream that you and daddy and I went to Disney World, and we rode all the rides together," Johnny said with a smile.

"Oh and were the rides fun? Did we have lots of food?" Jennie asked her son with a big smile.

"I don't know, daddy started jumping on my bed before it could finish," he said with a frown.

Dean walked up behind his wife and son and ruffled his hair, "I'm sorry buddy."

"It's okay," Johnny smiled.

Jennie put Johnny down and told the boys to sit down; Dean sat at the head of the table, while Jennie gave everybody plates of food and sits down next to Dean. They smile and eat their breakfast.

When they finished eating, Jennie grabbed everybody's plates and began to clean them. Dean and Johnny were playing in the living room. Jennie was humming Smoke on the Water, when two arms wrapped around her, "Hey hot shot," she said.

"Hey, put the dishes down and turn around. I need to talk to you," Dean told Jennie.

"I heard you on the phone with Sam, I already know you have to leave to go help him out," Jennie said as she turned around, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I picked it up to make a phone call, just promise me you'll be careful."

"It's okay and I promise I'll be careful," he gave Jennie a kiss on the cheek and went upstairs to pack.

Jennie turned back around to finish cleaning the dishes with tears in her eyes.

"Mommy is daddy going on another trip with Uncle Sam?" Johnny asked his mother.

Jennie wiped her eyes before turning around, "Yes baby, but he won't be gone long."

"Oh okay, I'm going to go help him pack," he said running up the stairs.

A Little While Later

"I'll be back soon you guys," Dean said while hugging his son and giving Jennie a kiss.

Dean waved to Jennie and Johnny, as Jennie and Johnny smiled and waved back to him.

It's been a few days since Dean left to go help Sam, Dean and Sam were just finishing up on the job, they were just pulling up to Bobby's house, as Cat's in the Cradle by Henry Chapin came on. (AN: If you have not heard the song, then please listen to it or at least look up the lyrics.) He had heard it before but never when he had a son. He thought about that song while he walked into Bobby's house. Bobby and Sam were talking about the case, and Dean wasn't listening at all, he was in his own head thinking about his family and that song. "Dean, hey dean...what are you thinking about boy?" Bobby asked him with a very stern look on his face.

"I have to go home, can you guys take it from here? I have a bad feeling about home," Dean told them. Dean called down Castiel and told him to go check on his family and to stay there as his jumped into the Impala. Sam and Bobby jumped into the van and followed him home.

It took them six hours to get there, but that was sooner than they thought. The front door was open and the lights were all on. Dean jumped out of the Impala and ran inside the house. Castiel was standing in the living room with his back facing the other way. "Cas, where's Jennie and Bobby?" Dean practically yelled at him.

"Dean, is that you!" Jennie yelled, running out of the kitchen, jumping into his chest, "I missed you so much!"

"Ready or not here I come," Castiel yelled out.

"What's going on!?" Sam and Bobby yelled as they ran into the house.

Johnny ran out, "Hey uncle Sam! Hey uncle Bobby!"

"Hey kiddo," Sam and Bobby said.

"Are you guys okay?" Dean asked Jennie, "I had a really bad feeling and rushed right over."

"Yeah, we're great. I was putting Johnny to sleep and Castiel popped up out of nowhere. Johnny jumped out of bed and ran over so excited, it was so cute!" Jennie told Dean, "I just couldn't make him go to bed after that." Dean grabbed her arm and Jennie winced a little, "Oh I did cut my arm when I went into the garage to put something away." She lifted her sleeve and you could see a poorly wrapped bandage on her arm.

Dean looked at her with a smirk, "Did you let Cas wrap this? Cas you need to learn how to wrap bandages better?"

"I didn't wrap it, when I came here it was already wrapped up and she wouldn't let me heal her," Castiel told Dean.

Dean looked over at Jennie with a stern look, "Why didn't you let him heal you?"

"Someone once told me that all scars tell stories, so I figured I'd leave one or two right?" Jennie told Dean with a smile.

Dean looked at her and said, "This story isn't one worth telling again though is it?"

She looked at Dean, "It is now because it's the day you came home safe to me. Oh and there's a pie in the oven."

"I knew I loved you for a reason," he said with a huge smile.

"That and a few others thing," she whispered in his ear making him tingle.

That night they ate pie, watched movies, played games, Johnny definitely stayed up past his bed time, but once he fell asleep, Dean and Jennie put him to bed and went downstairs for more pie since Dean was like a kid when it came to that stuff. They loved each other and Dean didn't go on another hunt again. He was very happy with this life and he couldn't have asked for a better way to live.

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