Oliver Wood x OC

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A/N: So I love Oliver and I really hope you all like this one-shot.

"Pass it Katie!!!!" I yelled as one of the Hufflepuff chasers was on her ass.

Katie passed the Quaffle to me as I made my way towards the goal and threw it hard, easily making it past the Hufflepuff keeper.

"And Amy Winters makes a goal for Gryffindor," Lee Jordan announced, while everyone in Gryffindor cheered.

I fly by Oliver giving him a high-five, "Way to go Ames."

"Thanks Ollie," I said smirking and heading back into the game.

Another fifteen minutes passed and Harry caught the Snitch resulting in the win for Gryffindor!!!!

Everybody in Gryffindor cheered and celebrated.

Katie, Angelina and I headed into the girl's locker room to change.

"So Amy are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Katie asked me.

"Probably not. I have a big potions test and I don't want to go alone," I replied.

"Why not ask Oliver to go with you?" Angelina asked.

"You mean Ollie, Angelina," Katie teased.

I blushed and tried to get changed quicker.

"It's cute that you guys like each other, but are too stubborn to allow yourselves to tell each other," Angelina said to me.

"Ollie doesn't like me," I said pulling my shirt on.

"You're in denial. He hates being called Ollie and yet he lets you do it," Katie said.

"That's only because we've been friends forever," I replied.

It's true Oliver and I grew up together. We were neighbors growing up. We were always there for each other and he always defended me when people would call me a blood traitor because my family was friends with lots of Muggles and we loved the Weasleys. They were the nicest people. I was always made fun of either because of that or because we didn't have much money, but boy was I lucky to have such amazing friends and family. I was in my third year at Hogwarts with the Weasley twins, Oliver in his fifth and the Golden Trio were in their first. I got along well with all of them. Of course Ollie forced me to join the Quidditch team since we always played together growing up. I loved every minute of it. I loved Ollie too but I could never ruin our friendship.

I got my skirt on when I realized my tights were missing, "Katie, Angelina have you seen my tights?"

They shook their heads no. I grabbed my book bag, put my shoes on and headed out of the dressing room.

I walked by the guys locker room and could hear laughter, 'They must still be changing,' I thought.

I decided to walk to the pitch to just lay down so I could allow my muscles to relax but as I was making my way over there, someone had other plans.

"Look it's Amy Winters," I heard Adrian Pucey comment.

I ignored him and kept walking towards the pitch only to be stopped by the guy I hated most, Marcus Flint.

"What do you want Flint?" I said with disgust in my voice, realizing I left my wand in my room.

"You know what I want baby. It looks like you made it easier for me," he said looking at my exposed legs.

I felt violated by his eyes just looking at my legs, "No thank you," I said walking away.

He grabbed my arm pulling me close to him as I tried to yank away, "I think you should stay right here you filthy blood traitor," he said putting his hand on the back of my thigh inching towards my ass. I spit in his face and kneed him in the crotch as I felt his grimy hand grab my ass.

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