Dean Winchester x OC

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Riley's Trouble with Dean

"I'm so happy that hunt is over," Riley tells the boys.

"Yeah, we ganked that sucker," Dean says, "So what do you guys want to drink?"

"I'll take a beer," Sam says.

"I'll take Jameson on the rocks," Riley tells him. He gives me a look, "What I deserve to relax a little."

Dean walks over to the bar, "So when are you going to tell him?"

"Honestly Sammy, I don't think I will. I mean I'm head over heels in love with him, but he just thinks of me as a friend," Riley tells him.

Riley sees Dean heading back from the bar with a smile on his face, 'the bartender must have been good looking,' she thinks. Dean hands them their drinks, "What's with that smile," Sam asks

"I made friends with the bartender," Dean says, which makes Riley tense up a bit. Sam must have seen her tense up because he places his hand on her arm to try to calm her down. After about their third drink, Riley gets a little more irritated because Dean takes longer at the bar each time.

When Dean walks over with our drinks this time, Riley gets up from the booth, takes her beer, which she switched to after her second whiskey and walks to the bathroom, so she can get her mind off of everything.

"Dude, what was that about?" Dean asks Sam.

Sam, not wanting to tell him why she really got up, simply said, "Bathroom."

Bathroom - Riley's POV

I stay in there a little and wash my face off as I finish my beer, then the bartender walks in, this was not going to end well, "Hey you're with that Dean guy right?"

"Huh, oh yeah," I tell her, hoping she just leaves me alone.

"He's pretty hot, is he any good in the sack? I just want to take him home and get in his pants," she's pushing all the wrong buttons.

"I don't know, but he has a kind heart," I tell her.

"I don't care about that, I just need to get laid because it's been so long," she says.

"Listen, if you-" I say getting irritated, but she cuts me off.

"I get it, you like him, but honestly by the way he was checking me out; you have no future there, honey. I'm hot, you seem a little too pathetic," she then walks out of the bathroom.

I down my beer and walk out of the bathroom, "Bitch, get your ass back here."

"Look I know you're jealo-" I cut her off by punching her in the face.

Dean's POV

"What's that?" Sam asks me.

"I don't know, sounds like a cat fight. Let's go check it out," I tell him.

We walk over to the crowd surrounding these two girls rolling around on the ground. I get excited before I realize the two girls fighting are the bartender and Riley, "Shit."

Sam and I walk into the middle and break them apart, I grab the bartender and Sam grabs Riley. She's trying to get out of his arms, but he pulls her out of the bar.

"She just attacked me. She's crazy," the bartender tells me, "Thanks for saving me, now we can get this thing moving."

"I don't think so, sorry but Riley doesn't just start fights," I tell her.

"Whatever that crazy bitch had it coming sooner or later, she's in denial thinking she has a chance with you. You're loss pretty boy," she says walking away.

I was in shock somewhat when she said that; there was no way that Riley liked me.

Outside the Bar - Sam's POV

"What were you thinking Riley?" I ask.

"I was thinking that no one bad mouths either of my boys, but especially Dean. She was saying some pretty bad things, then she said something about me and I just snapped," she tells me.

Then, Dean walks out of the bar and places his hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay?"

She pushes his hand away, "I'm fine thanks, now can we go? I'd like to wash the slut off of me."

Dean looks surprised, I smile, 'She's learning to stand up more for herself.'

We get back to the bunker, and Riley runs into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Okay that was a crazy night," Deans says popping open a beer.

"It could have been avoided really easily, too," I tell him.

"What do you mean, it's not like this was my fault," he says.

"It was though. They were kind of fighting over you. Open your eyes, Dean she's in love with you, how blind could you be?" I say walking away very frustrated.

Riley's POV

That was a very needed shower. I walk out of the bathroom in a towel and walk into my room, humming That's My Kind of Night by Luke Bryan. I'm surprised when I walk into my room because Dean is sitting on my bed, "Riley you're bleeding," he says walking over to me.

He grabs my arm and tells me to sit on the bed and walks out of the room, I take this time to at least put underwear, shorts and a tank top on, "Wow, you changed fast," he says walking back into the room.

Dean cleans the cut on my arm and puts a band-aid on it, "There, all better. Listen I'm sorry I didn't see until now, but you should have just talked to me. I thought you could care less about me, other than being a best friend, but I see you as so much more. You're my best friend, but I've fallen in love with you."

I stare at him, "I love you too Dean."

That night and every night after we fell asleep in each other's arms.

We loved each other and made each other happy.

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