YOU CAN SING?! (Kuboyasu x Kaido)

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I was walking around school trying to find Kaido. He wanted to show me something. I got a text from him saying that he needed to do something really quick then come find me. I just sighed and texted back saying ok.

That's when I saw something that caught my eye. I saw a music room. I went in and it was empty but had a beautiful piano. I walk up to it and sit down on the matching bench. 'Well, he said he needed to do something so I have a little time..' I thought and look down at the keys. I've been writing a song for a special someone and I couldn't help but play it while I was here.


I had to help a teacher with something so I took a longer time than I thought I would. I was walking around trying to find Kuboyasu so I could take him to my hide out. I really wanted to confess there since I've been setting up for a while. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of him saying he liked me back.

Then I heard it.. a beautiful singing voice I opened the door as quite as I could. Then I saw Kuboyasu at the piano. He had such a beautiful voice, I didn't expect that from him of all people. He has such a high voice when it came to singing but it sounded like a mermaid trying to catch pirates attention.

That's the only way I could describe it. By the time he was done I was speechless. "Wow.." is all I could get out. He turned to me shocked. "HOW THE HELL DID I NOT HEAR YOU?!" He looked so flustered and I smiled.


"You have a great singing voice." You could hear the sweetness from his voice. "Th-thanks.." I covered my face in embarrassment. 'How did I not hear him?' Is the only question I had in my head. "Come on, I still wanna show you something." He was turning around and I followed him.

We got to an abandoned building. It looked pretty sketchy but if this is where Kaido's been going for the past week I'll trust him. We got to the third story and he lead me to a fairly small room, but it had a table with a candle a lighter with matching chairs beside it.

There was a cooler by the table and we walked up to it. "I know it's not much, but I've been here for a couple weeks planning this out." He took something out of his pocket and opened the cooler. "Where did you even get that cooler?" I look at him as I take a seat.

"I bought it, it was surprisingly cheap and," he took out two sodas. "It can have both a lot of ice with at least three 12 cases of soda." He handed me one and I smiled. He wasn't like my old gang. They would always try to get me to drink beer, I did but I never like the flavor of it.

"Thanks." I smiled and took a sip of it. He smiled as well and we started talking about how 'good I was' at singing. Personally I've always loved it but at the same time I despise myself for it as well.

We've been talking for hours and when I looked out the window it was night. "It's getting late, we should get going I start to get up. "I have something to tell you something before you go.." he looked down at the ground clearly blushing. "Ok?" I sat back down waiting for him say something.

"I've been debating on this for a while and I'm finally gonna say it." He looks back up at me and I tilt my head a little in confusion. "I've like you for a while.. and I know you don't feel the same way but I at least wanted to tell you."

I sat there a little stunned and walked over to him and picked him up to hug him. "I feel that way too." He hugs me back. I look up at him and he kissed me on the lips. His lips were sweet and soft. I kiss back and lean down a little so I can deepen the kiss.

We broke apart and both of us were flushed red. "Are we.. official?" He asked very shyly and I nod. "Of course."

Word count: 745

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