Athletes with benefits (Reiner x Bertholdt)

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This is gonna be a school AU, just so y'all know


I was walking through the halls trying to find Bertholdt, but then remembered that he said he was gonna talk with Eren about something. I decided to just go out side to just relax so I don't get harassed by teachers. I sat at a bench lost in my thoughts when I heard Bertholdt's adorable laugh. I look over to see Mikasa, Annie, Armin, Eren, and Levi with Bertholdt walking towards me.

"Reiner!" He called out and jumped on me. "My knight in shining Armor." He giggled and I just smiled and rolled my eyes playfully. "Hello wall breaker." We both had nicknames for each other, and it had some meaning to it.

He calls me 'Knight in shining Armor' because he fell off a roof one time and I just so happened to be there and caught him. Me and him have been friends ever since. I call him wall breaker because he threw himself into a wall at this party and broke it.

He giggles at the nickname and he starts to blush. He then sat on my fucking lap. I start to blush and I look up at him and he puts his head on my shoulder. I look up at the five of them for an explanation. "We dared him to sit on-" Eren was cut off by Bert. "SHHHH!"

I giggled and ruffled his hair. "Come on, let's go inside." He nodded but didn't get off. I picked him up and headed in the school. "What do I expect of the quarter back of the football team." I could hear the eye roll in Levi's comment. "Oh I'm so sorry captain."

He sneers and I just laugh. Bert lifted his head a little but not to look at me. I felt him nod and he licked my neck. I blushed and looked away. "Baby~." He whispered in my ear and I set him down on the floor.

"Is this a joke?" I look up at him since he's taller than me. "Well.. it was a dare but let me go into more depth!" He held my shoulders so I wouldn't walk away.

"The dare was to flirt with my love language.. and it just so happens that my love language is physical.." I smirk and lightly kiss his Adam's apple. "M-mm~." He was so red and I just chuckled while the others walked away.

~After school~

"I have to go to baseball practice today, what about you?" He looked down at me and I remembered that I had football practice. "I also have practice, if you wait for me I could drive you back to your house." He nods and left for practice as I did as well.


I was waiting by the bleachers by the baseball field which is pretty rare that I do. Usually his practice ends before mine. I watch as he hits the ball across the field and start running. I smile as he gets a home run. The practice was over and he runs up to me. "I have to do cleaning duty but if you help we can go faster." I sigh and nod. "Fiiiiine."

We pick up the field and he starts heading to the locker room. "I'm gonna take a quick shower." He says as he goes to the end of the room and I sit on my phone waiting for him.

I get up getting a little impatient, not realizing that he turned off the shower. "If you don't hurry up I'm gonna-" I look at him realizing he was drying himself off, not wearing any clothes might I add. He blushes and I look away, knowing I'm already getting hard.

"S-sorry." I start to walk away but felt his hands on my waist. I could tell he wasn't wearing anything still. "Baby~." He knows that turns me on yet he does this shit. I decided that I would put my ass on his crotch, getting my revenge. He moaned and I turned myself around and pinned him to a wall.

He whimpered and went down. "Your friend seems to be excited." He bit my pants and I couldn't help but not gasp a little out of pleasure. I look down at him. "Well you know what to do." I wink and he unzips my pants. He pulls both my boxers and pants down and starts to suck my thighs a little. My legs wiggle a little as he picks me up and sets me on a bench.

He licks up from where he he sucked on my thigh and I loved it. "B-babe.." I moaned a little and he deep throated me having me arch my back and raise my hips a bit. He jerked himself off as we both came. "Love you, Bert." I kiss his head as I pull my pants up. He gets dressed and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back as we start to head off to my motorcycle.


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