Why do you stick with me? (Armin x Jean)

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I personally ship Jean with both Marco and Armin so I decided to do this one first


I woke up at 6 in the morning on a school day and started to get dressed. 'Luckily' I have in person school so I start getting dressed. I personally did WAY better in online school so I'd much rather do that.

I just get dressed in my casual outfit. It's just a plain black t-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and converse. I walk down to be met with yelling from my parents. They yell about how one works way more than the other and how one is never there for me and them.

It's getting really annoying so I just put on my headphones and listen to music. I look through my music and decided on I lost myself by Munn.

I stretch and grab my backpack before my dad grabs me by my hair and throws me out of the house. "Useless brat, make yourself useful and get a job while you're out!" He yelled at me as my mom dragged him back inside.

I sighed and continued to walk to school. When I get their I see a kid named Armin and his group of friends. He seemed really nice and all but something bothered me. He always looks so happy, how can he be that happy?

I can't even be that happy anymore. Ever since my brother Reiner moved out it's been hard for me. He would always comfort me when I was having a panic attack so I was really grateful for him.

I get in and start to go in the school. I get in the school and see a couple of my friends in there. I saw Connie, Ymir, and Annie. But I didn't see one of them, Sasha. I walk up to them and they all seem a little down. "Hey guys, what's going on?" They look at me surprised. "You haven't heard?" Connie looked like he was about to cry.

"What's going on?" I ask them and they look at each other and Annie sighed. "Sasha.. committed suicide last night." She had let down a few tears and I started to cry.

She seemed so happy, and she had such loving parents. Who drove her to it? I wiped my tears and made them have a group hug. We sat in silence until the bell rang. We sat in our seats and stayed quite for the rest of the day. This isn't the first time that someone in our friend group someone committed suicide.

We were all depressed and had some kind of mental illness. Before our friend Marco died he had severe social anxiety, Sasha had BED (Binge eating disorder),and bulimia, Connie and I had anxiety, Annie has DID (dissociative identity disorder) and Ymir has bipolar. We all had depression and we all try to survive for each other but the ones who remain have VERY abusive parents.

My parents aren't that abusive compared to them, but their still bad. It was finally lunch and still, no one was talking or eating. We decided when Marco died, when someone passes we have a day of silence on the day after they have passed. We continued to stay quiet, but then that Armin kid came up to us.

"Sorry to bother you but can I speak to Jean real quick?" I shook my head and did the sign for tomorrow, since we both have asl next period. He nods and left.

~After school~

I start walking back to my house and put my headphones on before I get to my house. When I walk in I got a vase thrown by my head. I didn't flinch since I was used to it. "YOU FUCKING BITCH, GO TO YOUR ROOM!" I could tell that he was already drunk as hell so I walked up the stairs to my room. I start on my homework, continuing to listen to music.

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