Barbed Wire

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My childhood was spent climbing stuff, falling off stuff and falling into stuff.  This was not a normal day for me.  I'd gotten three splinters from a tree, slid off the top of one of our farm buildings and got my leg torn up by the shingles and I thought it would be a good idea to climb on the barn roof as an ending to the day I've had.

Looking off the barn roof, you could see forever, all the way to the dairy farm 1/2 mile down the road, up the road to the gun shop that was there hidden behind the tree hideout, and even across the road and field to the next country road.  I thought it was amazing and wanted to sit up there forever however my leg had started hurting from the multiple slices I had from the shingles.  Glaring at that building and tree growing next to it (the one that gave me splinters), I decided I was going to climb down the side of the barn to the open loft window.  After all, that's how I got on top of the barn to begin with, pulling myself up the side of the roof.

Getting down proved to be a more daunting experience than I thought it would be.  Suddenly, the loft window wasn't under my feet for me to balance on so pulling myself back up, I tried the other side of the barn where the silo used to be.  That loft window seemed bigger since that side of the barn was smaller so I started climbing down.  Mistaking a side gutter for the loft window, I found myself losing my footing.  Not having had the sense to have a better grip on the roof, I fell.

I fell right into a roll of barbed wire that was leaning up against the barn.  As I fell onto it, it rolled and I rolled right along with it, eventually ending up inside it as it had rolled out and rolled back up and around me.  As luck would have it, my scream for help attracted the dogs, their barking attracted my little brother and his gleeful announcement of "Kathy fell into wire!" attracted the attention of a very angry Dad.

He tried rolling the wire back out to get me out but it was stuck too well into my clothing and my skin.  Tearing clothing wasn't too bad of a loss so he went for it again, only to stop when he saw me bleeding onto it.  Now blood was definitely the limit to my Dad's patience as blood could cause rust quicker than water could so he had no choice but to get his wire fence cutters.  Being cut out of a roll of barbed wire was NOT the end of the day I'd hoped for.

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