Cesaro |17 & 87

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A/n did I make this just to say that request are closed yes (i also didn't want to make a whole a/n for it) I did
I'll open them back up in a few days I want to finish the 4 I have right now

I also feel like I'm doing the same superstars over and over again 😭😭

"Can we make cake? I like cake." Y/n giggled at Cesaro comment. It seemed to come out of nowhere.
"Cake right now? Isn't it a bit to late for cake?" He shook his head and bounced up to his feet.
"Come on y/n let's go bake that cake."
"You've been waking to many baking shows"
Cesaro shook his head
"No I haven't, I just want cake"
"Can't you do it by yourself? I'm to lazy"
Y/n didn't have a choice. Cesaro had already picked her and set her down on the kitchen floor.
"You're an idiot" He smiled and moved to get all the supplies
"Don't you need a recipe Mr. Superman"
"Yes, but I have all of it up here" he point at his head.
"I'll look one up"
"Wait no I can do this by myself, you just sit there and look pretty" He flashed a smile
"So can I go back to the living room?"
"Nope, I need you here for support"
Cesaro seemed to know what he was doing, but y/n knew she should have probably looked up that recipe
"I think I'm doing alright" y/n nodded not really paying attention to him.

"And into the oven it goes"
"Can you set a timer?" He asked giving y/n a quick kiss on the cheek
"Sure.... I'll help you make the frosting!"

"Wait we have to let it cool before frosting it Cesaro!"
"What why?"
Y/n walked over to him and took the spoon out of his hand
"I don't know but we have to let it cool"
Cesaro rolled his eyes but nodded
"I just want to eat the cake already"
"I think should be ready now"
"We started baking at 7 its almost 10"
"Yeah well, you're the one who wanted to eat cake right now"
"Arent you going to make it look nice?"
"Why? We're the only ones who are going to eat" He smiled and cut a piece handing it to you
"I'm really impressed superman, I really thought you need a recipe but..." Y/n stopped talking after tasting the cake
"What? Done with the compliment"
He chuckled before taking a bite of his cake
"Well the frosting is great!"
"Are you sure you put everything? It's honestly not that great"
"Yes, flour, butter, milk, eggs.... oh and sugar.. yeah I forgot the sugar"
Cesaro smiled and let his head fall
"Nevermind let's just clean up"
"I'm still eating it"

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