Dean and Seth X Oc

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A/n: Hope you like it forever_theshield sorry it took so long
P.S I added a few things on my request page so go check it out

You and Dean are dating but you always liked Seth a little too

"Hey Kayla" Seth said i smiled

"Hey Seth"

"So where Dean"

"I actually don't know"

We stayed quite in till Dean came

"Hey guys" he said putting his arm around me

"So what were you talking about"

"Nothing" he rolled his eyes

"Have you told her?"

"Told me what?"

"Maybe if you leave than yeah" Dean kissed you before he left Seth looked at me

"So.." You said

"I really like you and I didn't know how to say it back then and this is the wrong time to tell you but I just have to get it off my chest"

"Seth I"

"Wait I love you and I always will . I always wanted to be with you but Ambrose got to you first and that stung but you were happy and Dean was happy " I was about to say something but he kissed me

"Seth no I cant I'm dating Dean"

"I know but"

"Seth you know I loved you too but you missed your Chance and that hurts ms say but its true"

"I know Kayla but I just had to tell you I know Ambrose would kill me if found out I kissed you but he told me to tell you how I felt"

"So why didn't you tell me this sooner"

"I was to sacred"

"Seth I'm so sorry but you know this can't happen" he stood there not saying another word l

ooking down at his shoes

"Please don't do this Seth" I said and hugged him

"I should have told you and sooner" you looked at him and wiped his tears

"Well there is other fish in the sea Seth and I know you can find the right one" Dean came back

"Are you alright man" he nodded

"Never better" Seth said Dean patted him on the back

"Let's go" he told let go of Seth

"How did it go"

"good kinda"

"What did he say"

"That's between him and me"

"He kissed me"

"I know"


"I saw"

"Your not mad" he said nothing we keep walking I looked back Seth was gone

"He'll be fine Kayla he's a strong man"

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