Chapter 1

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Hello my little duckies! This is a FNAF's Fanfic. So yup! Enjoy my tasty duckies ;3

Hello my name is Gipsy. It was the fourth night they got me. I was so close! So close to getting to the fifth night! But Bonnie got me. She jammed the door and when I went to look so see if Chica was there. Lets just say... 'Note to self, never let your eye wander if there is a robot there.' But she got me. I never did pay any attention to the 'Phone Guy'. Thats what people called him. But once they got me they put me in a gray wolf that has orange eyes and a blue thing with white flowers between my arms and sides.

I now have my own habitat. 'Gipsy's Forest' the kids love it! They go there and I tell them all about the forests in the world. They ask the silliest questions! I always wanted kids of my own... but I guess this is as close as I get to kids.

It's 7:33pm. The kids just let 3 minutes ago. Can't wait till 12am to kill the new foolish night guard that always comes everynight.

Yes I was one and your asking 'why kill them?' Blah blah blah! I'm a robot! These things only kill the nightgaurd because they keep thinking it's that kid who killed them.

Why not join them? Its better then being hated by them. And I love to hear their cries when I give them a big Jumpscare!

Sometimes me and Bonnie would team up. She goes from the left side and I grab the idiot from the right.

It always works but for some nights I just let Chica and Bonnie handle it while I stay back with Freddy in the other room.

I really never saw Foxy, I only saw him once and that was all. He showed me around the first night I was this wolf thing. For some reason a night guard wasn't there so we didn't get caught, maybe no body saw the hiring on the newspaper.

Its almost 12am. Oh how I can't wait! Maybe Bonnie and Chica will team up? Me and Chica did it yesterday. They seemed to like to share turns. Maybe because they are used to making the kids share turns on the games in the main room, it just got to their heads. Hopefully they will team up. I wanna talk to Foxy.

I can hear that bell from the front doors ring so I know the nightgaurd is here and the janitor just left. I like the janitor, he keeps us clean from the blood spots on our fingernail long fur. He knows we roam around at night and that food jeeps our battery going so he thinks it's just grease. He never really cares for the nightgaurds randomly disappearing he thinks we give them frights about our roam-free at night thing.

A sudden pain went through me telling that I'm free to roam. I opened the door slowly looking at the camera and saw no red blinking light. So I walked out closing the door behind me. (Gotta cover my tracks) I walked in the hallway staying in the dark. "Heeeey Gipsssy"

I turn around at the voice to see Bonnie. Everytime I look in her bright white eyes they always give me a mini heartattack, but I calmly calm down because I know I have the same eyes when the nightgaurd shuts the door infront of my face I can see the bright white on the door.


What do you guys think about that? I was going to add more but I was like 'Chapters are made for reasons right?'

Hope you liked it my little duckies!

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