Chapter Nine: News

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"Beep Beep." The alarm clock was going off and on.

"Today is the day." I jumped up excited, I went through all the outfit in my closet, and found a beautiful pink dress. I turned the alarm clock off, and walked out my room.

" Kana." Sakura had a towel around her, and hugged me tightly." Thank you sis I really appreciated, have fun on your date with Neji." Sakura patted my back, and smiled. I ran downstairs and outside, I walked around lost.

" He never told me where we suppose to meet." I said to myself, and sigh."

" Kana I'm sorry I'm late." Neji said carelessly holding my right hand, and locking his fingers with mines.

" It's alright Neji." I said softly, and blush a little, smiling." S-so we're we going." I had asked, nervously, and embarrassed.

"Just follow me." He said, and held my hand tightly.  I followed right behind him, and it was an Summer Festival happening not too far from the village.

"Let's play that game with the ball, and stick" I shouted smiling.

" Kana, that's called golf." Neji laughed, and taught me how to play.

"Kana, let's try that game over there." Neiji pointed out, and played the balloon toss , with others.

" Let's grab a snack real quick." Neji smiled, and order us to meals.

" It's getting ready to close." I whined." Neji didn't even get on all the rides or played all the games." I complained.

"Look up at the sky." Neji said, and pointed up.

" What about it?" I lifted up my head, and looked at the sky.

"That star over there, always remind me of you." Neji showed me, on the right." I always stare at the stars at night because I secretly liked you."

"Neji..." I turned, and looked at him.

" Kana..." He said, and looked at me. He place his hand on my shoulder leaning in, I close my eyes as our lips touch. It was amazing like a explosion.

"That's that your first kiss Kana?" Neji blushed, and looked at me, scratching the back of his head awkwardly." It was mines."

"Yes it was." I lied, Sasuke was my first kiss,smiled cheerfully, and blush brightly happy.

I should tell Neji that I can't stay with him, I'm afraid of what Sasuke got in store for me. I don't want to regret anything!

"Kana I want to stay with you for the rest of my life."Neji smiled.

" I also feel the same way Neji." I gently held his hand close to my heart." I always loved you."

Kana had a letter to take the chuuin exams in the fall, and caught up with all her classes. Made friends and got along with her family.


I open my eyes waking up in discomfort and misery. I realized I was tied up to a tree with the rope going deep into my flesh I flinched in pain. I had open wound cuts, scratches and bruises all over my body.

"About time your woke." Sasuke kicked my leg, and fracture my bone.

"Why?"I cried intensely in grief.

" Kana it's time to me to pay my part of the bargain." Sasuke snapped his fingers, and dogs attacked me bitting hard into my skin, I couldn't help but to cry and cry all over again.

" Is this some type of genstu?" I cried.

"Not this time." Sasuke looked at me disappointed, hurt with pain in his eyes." I heard you haven't broken up with Neji yet."

 I coughed up blood and collapsed


I had a breathing mask over my mouth hospitalized, and I.V of fluids entering my body. I heard shouting and arguing outside of the room. I open my eyes I couldn't move a inch of my body, therefore I was excruciating pain.

" Kana."The Medical Doctor came in the room reading through the papers on the clip board." You condition hasn't improve and it says your child probably won't make it. Aren't you a little too young to be carrying a child?"

" H-huh what are you talking about?" My hand trembled a bit, taking the mask off my face. The Medical Doctor turn the clip board and showed the results, and details.

" Can you take it out? I mean.... I don't want to seem like a bad person.

" Kana, your far along." The Medical Doctor replied.

" Can it be a secret? I don't want to share this with anything, no even my parents. I don't even understand how I'm carrying a child that night seem like a blur, I haven't did anything in the sort to be in this condition

"Okay Ms.Haruno, you'll be release from the hospital in a hour or two."The Medical Doctor left the room to run some tests and blood results.

I turn my head and looked out the window, I felt this sharp pain in my stomach and my body still ache. I looked down my at leg that Sasuke once broke with his brutal force, I tried to move them as I felt all my nerve went into shocked exploded with pain. My head was throbbing real bad the only thing I was able to think about was Neji and Sakura. My first love, I even knew for a fact this child wasn't Neji , it was by the person I hate the most in the world Sasuke. I at least think it was him that night when he took my first kiss away from me I felt that it wasn't the only thing, but that whole night was just a blur. If I told Neji I'm afraid he'll break up with me, my heart was already broken since I already know how the situation would go. Sakura, my big sister Sakura. She love Sasuke so much, I brought him back for my sister and now my life is at risk carrying his child. If I told Sakura the truth. Tears stream down my cheek as I grin my teeth together." She would hate me." Everything I did for Sakura, it keeps ruining my life. I feel like I'm under her shadow, I just want her to love me again, like when we were kids.

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