Chapter One: The Meaning Of The Petal ~Spring

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Yes I remember the Cherry Blossom Tree 
         It had always been on this earth which never existed in my eyes before but until the age six iand that when it had all began.
It was a normal day in the Haruno household Mama was preparing lunch and Papa just came home from work at the police department of Kohana.I watched Mama clean the house all day sitting at the table I spoke up ," Mama can we play now?" I asked impatiently. 
  "Kana I know promise this would be a special day for us but I have to clean up the house and I had forgot I arrange a meeting on this day for our guest." Mama said , wiping the table down with a rag then place a beautiful pink design cloth over it.The fabric was just overwheming It made me feel all excited and happy inside I realized I like seeing crazy designs like this one,"Why don't you go play with Sakura?" Mama asked moving over to the kitchen rewashing the dishes(Cups,Bowls & Plates etc.). I laid my back against the floor ,"Mama I told you Sakura busy today she's been gone since 7 in the morning hanging with Ino"
  "How come you didn't go with her?" Mama asked placing the dishes on the drying rack.
I play with a loose string of my hair which flow down my back ," Sakura said only big kids allow maybe next time when I'm older. I wonder how long would it be until I'm older." I sign.
 " Don't rush it just think of it in this way. My older sister Sakura is just looking out for me"Mama said pointing her finger out towards me.
  "I want to grow up like Sakura , life is so boring" I turned around on the ground ,"I was her friend before Ino I want to have secrets too." 
  "Kana listen you might be Sakura friend but you're also her younger sister.She's always be there for you no matter what Sakura needs friends too Its just matter of time---" 
 I heard the door open I lifted up my back sitting up at the table I looking at the drawing of paper I drew at the table 3 hours ago.I heard footsteps coming closer as I picked up a crayon starting to color in the cloud."Kana" I heard the voice in which called out my name. I turned around nearly jumping out of my skin standing up and running up to Sakura hugging her tightly ," I miss you Sakura. I was so lonely"I whined.
Sakura gently stroke my hair ," It's okay, Hey! Kana I want to show you something." She smiled.
  "R-really what is it?" I asked curious, eager to know.
  Sakura put her on finger to her lips and smiled ," It's a secret" She grab my hand," Mama, Can Kana and I go outside for a bit"She asked polietly. 
 Mama looked at her two children and smiled ," Yes but be home before mid-night don't forget we have guest." 
   " I won't" Sakura said as she ran out the door pulling my hand dragging me along with her. I looked at Sakura as she had a smiled on her face nearly out of breath.I wanted to asked her where we going but I was barely able to catch my breath at the pace we was going.We ran down an alley "Just keep up a little longer Kana we're almost there"Sakura said , keeping on eye forward on the path.It started to get a bit dark then Sakura paused her footsteps out of breath as she let go of my hand. At the moment I was struggling to inhale oxygen but somehow I still manage to maintain it.
 " We're here" Sakura yelled smiling.
I glance around in the area the sight was beautiful but I really couldn't catch what Sakura was showing me. I looked at the watch sparkling like crystal blue diamonds then I looked at the tree with pink leaves it was unfamilar and kinda weird."What are you showing me exactly" I asked.
Sakura pointed at the tree.
  I looked at it then looked back at her," You brought me all the way here to see a weird looking tree" I asked barely caring about the moment slightly bored.
"No" Sakura shook her head." This is a Cherry Blossom tree It only bloom in the Spring Its rare , do you know how I know about it?" Sakura asked.
 I shook my head ," No"
   " I read about it in a textbook which it caught my interest I'm pretty sure it would catch your over time." She said holding her hand behind her back , walking towards the wooden gate that was surrounded around the crystal like river,lake or whatever you want to call it.I watched her looking into the river I walked towards her as I seen her throw some of the petals into the water.
 "What happen with Ino" I asked.
   "She went home early.You know this Cherry Blossom Tree isn't just an orginal tree It's linked to us the Haruno family which means Spring. In which the tree only bloom in Spring which make us stronger. My first name means Cherry Blossom which make alot of sense now doesn't it?" Sakura turned her head looking at me.
"Yeah I guess I mean it's amazing that your name means something but compare to mines It holds no meaning which made me think ,Kana what kind of name is that I could disappear without anyone knowing" I bluntly said without thinking.
   Sakura looked down at the river watching the petals drift away," Don't say things like that Kana It's you disappear I'll be sad , with Ino and Mom and Daddy. I'll give your name a meaning since mines Cherry Blossoms yours be petals like the ones on the tree"She looked at me.
I looked at her confused repeating what she just said "Petal?It doesn't even sound right"
"You see the pedals falling off the tree into the water. It means even though if we might drift apart we're always be together by blood and the pedals are linked to the Cherry Blossom which shows how strong our bond are even if we do drift apart I will always watch over you cause I love you"I looked at the petal ," Maybe your right"
 Sakura turn looking at my hair was she walking behind me touching my hair ,"Your hair so long to be just six maybe you should trim it. I think you need your own style instead of a basic style like mines" She pulled out two ribbons parting the middle of my head tying the ribbon around putting each side in a cute bun which took about 10-20 minutes."There now you fit the meaning of your name now.It'll sing our favorite to help the flower within us bloom like the tree."
I looked at Sakura " That's right the melody which bloom those which bloom us into a beautiful flower."
Sakura softly spoken up bringing a softer tone in her voice
I cry I cry such a lovely lullaby
The tears in yours eyes
In your pure white eyes
Its beautiful your a different dimension 
The joy of your eternal spirit living through me.
 through me.
I looked down at the river seeing the petal drifted onto the elsewhere. I never realize how we can actually be so alike wanting to be someone who can't, right? You want to be a Cherry Blossom Tree and I try so hard to be like Sakura. then you fall along the stream in which no one will knowledge you..........We're always all alone drifting along with the flow.

I slowly opened my eyes leaning against the Cherry Blossom Tree. I had always kept in mind It was mines and my older sister base since I was six but its true I think we drifted apart or it just might be my imagination.I looked up at the sky I still remember the whole song Sakura the song you always song to me as a child.The lost memories in my head felt so real I knew it was. I felt a drop of water fall on my hand I gently touch my face feeling undesirable tears continue streaming from my eyes.

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