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After 30 minutes Martinus called back. He was sobbing so I asked him what's wrong and he started to cry and between his sobs he told me that his father said that he could no longer even think about talking to me. I told him not to worry 'cause I've got a plan. We decided to meet up in a forest nearby where nobody could see us in 15 minutes.

I got up, changed, put on my jacket and ran outside and in the forest. Martinus was waiting there for me, his eyes still red from crying. I hugged him and then we sat down.

Me: Sooo.. my mom said we're leaving tomorrow but.. ahhh I don't know how to say that..

Martinus: You-you're leaving..?

Me: Noooo.. I'm never going away with her.. I first planned on living with you guys but I guess that's not an option.. I also thought about running away into a forest and spending my days and nights here but my mom will eventually find me here sooo.. I thought about running away in another country and I wondered.. if you wanna run away with me..

Martinus: But isn't that a bit extreme? Like.. can't we just go to the other side of the country?

Me: But almost everyone here know who we are. We need to go somewhere safe.

Martinus: Sooo which country?

Me: I was thinking about Spain.. since I know a bit spanish. I thought about Germany too, but there's too many people who would recognize us and it's too close.

He nodded and we made a plan. We're leaving at night when everyone is sleeping. We have seven hour before our plan starts. We sat there for a bit more time and talked and laughed about random things until it started getting dark. We got up and walked back together then said our goodbyes. I opened the door and mom was standing there.

Me: Hey mom.

Mom: Do you have everything packed?

Me: Yeah.

Mom: Good girl, now go up and sleep, we're leaving in the morning.

I went upstairs and packed everything else then opened my drawer and took out my money. This will be enough for a long long time. For once in my life I'm happy that I'm famous. I put all of my money inside one of the bags and went to bed. I heard footsteps and the door open and close. I guess mom went to sleep.

I laid there for another half an hour and then I started to do my plan. I pulled a rope from my closet and tied my bags on it. Then I opened my window and slowly let my bags down. I threw down the rope and closed the window. I took my phone, charger, powerbank and pillow and tiptoed downstairs. I opened the drawer beside the Tv and took an envelope with money inside.

I tried to walk to the front doors as quiet as possible only to find out that the doors are locked. I turned around ready to got to the kitchen when I saw the light upstairs turned on. That means mom is awake! I hid behind one of the coats and waited. After five long minutes the light finally switched off and I left out a sigh of relief. That was close! I then tiptoed to the kitchen and took the key out of one of the baskets on the very top shelf.

I stepped out of kitchen and stepped directly on the tile that cracked under my foot. That was it,  I was gonna get caught but no light turned on. Well I guess it's my lucky day. I unlocked the door and stepped outside, not forgetting to lock the doors behind me. I took all of my bags from before and ran down to the bus station.

Martinus came shortly after and we hugged. Well I guess we're really doing that and there's no going back now. We quietly walked down the long path to another bus station and waited for the bus while we put on our disguises.

The bus for Brønnøysund came and I paid our tickets. The bus driver took our bags and put them in the storage area and we went on the bus. We sat at the back and since it was late we planned on sleeping a little bit. I leaned my head on Martinus' shoulder and he put his head on top of mine. He then hugged me and we soon started travelling. Well I hope everything goes as planned even though I have no real plan for what's gonna happen when we get to Spain. I guess we're going with the flow and let it take us where we want.  Soon after that I fell asleep.

Martinus woke me up after two hours because we arrived. We slowly got off the bus and took our stuff.

Me: So, are we gonna go somewhere to eat because our flight comes at 11:55?

Martinus: Yeah sure, we have plenty of time left so let's go somewhere. I saw a bar down the road while we were driving and they have rooms too so maybe we could get some sleep.

Me: Great thinking, let's get going.

So just like that we were on our way to that bar and when we arrived there were almost no people. I went up to one of the workers and asked for a room. He gave me keys and I gave him money but he also added that it's one bed room. I took it anyway and went back to Martinus. We went upstairs and searched for our room. 14, 15, 16, 17,... here it is room number 20. I unlocked the door and we stepped inside.

Wow, not what I was expecting. It was so small but at the same time so beautiful. I put my bags down and went to check out the bathroom. We have everything we need here. I went back to find Martinus standing in front of bedroom. He opened the door and scratched the back of his head.

Martinus: Ummmm.. H-how are we supposed to s-sleep if there's only o-one bed.

He was slightly blushing and I could see that he was nervous. I laughed and simply said that we're sleeping together. He blushed even more so I teased him about that, saying 'you look as red as a tomato, is it hot in here or what? ' He turned away and rushed to check out the bathroom. I brought all my things in the bedroom and suddenly my stomach growls loudly. I went back to the small living room and Martinus was already waiting there. We then went downstairs to get some food. I sat down at one of the tables and Martinus followed with menus in his hand. Soon after, the waiter came too.

Me: So what would you like to eat?

Martinus: Ladies go first.

Me: Hmmm I'll have chicken and fries with ketchup and herbal tea.

Martinus: I'll have spaghetti with cheese and hot chocolate please.

He wrote it down and went away. We sat there for some time, talked about random stuff and then we got our food. After eating we payed for the food and went back to our room. I threw myself on the bed and Martinus threw himself beside me, our arms slightly touching. I felt butterflies in my stomach but then he quickly rolled on the other side of the bed. I stood up and sighed, then I turned around and left the room to go change. I pulled fresh clothes out of my bag and went in the bathroom.

I undressed and stepped under the shower. I felt warm water running down my body and I thought about my feelings. Do I like Martinus as in.. more than friends? Or is it because I have never had any real love interest beside Marcus? Or because he is the only one that genuinely cares about me? I really don't know anymore. But if I do like him.. what if he doesn't like me back? I don't wanna be heartbroken. But if I think about him with another girl, it makes me sick. Oh God, what do I do now, how do I know what I'm feeling? I just wanna know..

Dangerous loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن