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Tinus: Why?

Mrs.G.: Did I say it out loud?

Me: Yes, you did.

Mrs.G.: He's on the bussiness trip for two months. We'll talk about this later okay Raina-ri-lyn.

Me: My name is difficult to say, so you can call me Rain.

Mrs.G.: Okay. Do you want to drink something?

Me: No, I'm good.

She looked like she was thinking something and then she looked at me.

G-A: Aren't you famous?

Me: Yes. How did you know?

G-A: Marcus has got a lot of your posters in his room. You can go see his room if you want to.

Me: I think it's better if I just stay here. Me and Marcus aren't good with each other.

G-A: How is that possible? He always talks about you when we two are alone.

Me: He's bullying me and he hit Tinus today. He just leaved him on the floor. I'm not feeling well if someone beside me is acting like that.

Tinus: Can we go to my room now?

G-A: Sure. See you two later.

Gerd-Anne smiled and we walked out of the kitchen. I felt strange and like he's acting, but never mind.

Me: Where are you taking me?

Martinus: In my room or should I say, mine and Marcus room?

Me: I think it's better if I just go home, don't you think?

Tinus: Oh, c'mon. It'll be fun.

I followed him and we were in his room. Marcus has a room next to Tinus. Then I heard running.

Emma: Tinus, Tinus, Tinus, T---! Who are you?

Me: I'm Rainarilyn, but you can call me Rain. I think you're Emma, right?

Emma: Yes, I am. Are you friend of Marcus and Martinus?

Me: With Marcus, no! And with Martinus, not really.

Emma: YES! Then you can play barbies with me!

She was so happy that I couldn't say no, so I said yes.

Tinus: Please, Emma. Don't take her away from me. I tried to stop Marcus and you already stole her from me!

Marcus: What is SHE doing here?!

Me: Tinus invited me over, because he's way better than you! He's friendly, unlike you! If you don't want me here, then go you jerk! I'm sick of all this! You aren't nice to him or me and I don't want to stay here anymore , but I will, because of Tinus! Come Emma.

Marcus' POV

She yelled at me and I was left without words. For the first time in my life, girl yelled at me. She then leaved with Emma.

Martinus: She got you. You need to stop playing this game or you'll play fire to fire. Why do you hate her so much?

Me: Because I do. This game can play two.

He leaved and I thought about what this girl is doing to me. She's driving me crazy! Wait, I've got a plan!

Rain's POV

Me: I'll go home now. I need to do something for school, okay? I'll come back, but I'm not sure when. I'll go say goodbye to Tinus.

Emma: Okay.

I stepped quietly, so I could scare them. I heard them talking about something, so I listened.

Tinus: What will you do?

Marcus: I'll make her jealous and angry.

Tinus: Why would you do that?

Marcus: Idk, it was the first thing that came in my mind.

Tinus: And how exactly will you do that?

Marcus: I didn't think of it. I'll probably pick up one girl and idk, kiss her in front of Rain?

Tinus: But be carfeoul, you're playing with fire.

Me: If you want to make me jealous and angry than this is too pathetic. I came to say goodbye. And btw, I love your room.

I winked to Marcus and slowly leaved the room. I could see him looking at me with a smirk on his lips. He was looking at me from top to toe.

Me: Better stop looking at me Gunnarsen or you'll be in big trouble.

He fast looked away and I leaved.
I walked through the empty streets and I was now at my house. I stepped in and locked the door behind me.

Me: Hey mum! I'm home!

Mum: Where were you?!

Me: At my friend's house?! Why?!

Mum: Which friend?!

Me: Ummm... Gu-gunnarsen?

Mum: Stop hanging out with them!!!

I ran up to my room and I had one unread message. It was from unknown number.

Unknown: Hey(: It's me, Tinus! I thought that you made your decision about us being friends(;

Me: My mum doesn't let me hang out with you two):

Tinus: Then I guess this is no?):

Me: F*** it all. This is yes! It's my life, not her's(;

Tinus: See you tomorrow at school! Goodnight

Me: Night

I put my phone down and changed into my pajama. Tomorrow is going to be very interesting.


Hey guys! I'll do a schedule and I'll publish it in another part. Thank you for reading this story and I hope you like it.

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