Like it should be...or not

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Rain's POV

I woke up and in the moment I saw that I'm not in my room. I was in a room full of posters with me on them. Where am I?!

Me: Hello?!

I heard someone walking outside the room and then Tinus stepped in. What the fuck?!

Tinus: Hey, you woke up. We were so worried.

Me: Where am I? I don't remember this room.

Tinus: It's Mac's room. He brought you here yesterday evening. You were sleeping whole day.

Me: What time is it?

Tinus: It's night and like I said, you were sleeping all day.

Me: What have I missed?

Tinus: Only school. Don't forget that tomorrow is thursday. And we were invited to Annabelle's house tomorrow at six to dinner. Sleep now.

Me: But where will sleep Marcus?

I saw that door opened and Marcus walked in. He had messed hair and they were all over his face. He moved them away.

Marcus: I'll sleep on the couch.

Me: No way! I'll sleep on the couch. You'll sleep here and I don't accept no.

Tinus went out so we could talk. Marcus looked at me with guilt in his eyes.

Me: I'm sorry.

Marcus: No, I am. You did nothing wrong. I'll find some clothes for you and then I'll leave. And you can't go home. You need to rest and when you go to school someone needs to be with you, so you don't do something stupid.

Me: I'm not a baby. I know how to take care of me.

He walked to his wardrobe and pulled out shorts and a shirt. He handed them to me and I walked to bathroom. When I was there I quickly changed and then went back to room. Marcus was sleeping on the bed and I put my clothes on one of the chairs. I looked at him and he was kind of cute. I layed beside him and fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning and Marcus was walking around the room. He then looked at me and smiled.

Me: What was that for? I'll die if I was you.

Marcus: You're pretty.

Me: Shut up! Where's my bag?

Marcus: It's here.

He pointed at my bag and then I took it and my clothes and walked to doors.

Marcus: You can't go in those clothes. They're full of dirt. I'll give you mine.

Me: Your clothes are so big. I look like I'm wearing a dress. I'll be in my clothes.

Marcus: You ripped them when you jumped.

Me: Okay, I give up.

He smiled and handed me some fresh clothes. I looked at him and then smiled. He was smiling too, but I changed my face express in the moment and I leaved the room.

I walked to bathroom and changed myself. Those clothes are too big. He gave me his jeans and his hoodie. I think I won't give it back. I walked out and downstairs. They were all eating.

G-A: Good morning. Sit down.

Me: Good morning.

G-A: I need to tell you that your fight with Marcus is at all of the social media.

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