Afraid of him

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The doc looked at me again and asked me the same question once again, now with shaky voice.

Doc: W-What's yo-your n-name?

Me: Ummm.. I.. I haven't got one..

Doc: Do you know who this is?

She picked up a newspaper and showed me the picture on the front page. It was a girl that looked like me and above was written: Our popstar is in coma and the reason for that isn't known. I opened the newspaper and read some more: Our very known popstar Rainarilyn Felison was rushed in hospital after she jumped down the bridge, as the whitenesses says. One of them said:"I was walking to the bridge when I saw a girl running and she stepped on the edge. I didn't think it was Rainarilyn, but I'm really shocked. I also saw Marcus and Martinus running after her yelling, but they were too late because she already jumped." So as we know Marcus and Martinus were there too and they were her friends as they said. They were shocked as we could see and Martinus Gunnarsen yelled at us. But what else could we expect from them?

Me: Why did you show me this?

Doc: Well, this girl is you.

Me: Not possible. I'm not famous, I'm not pretty like this girl and I don't know who Marcus and Martinus are. I must say that their names sounds familiar, but this surely isn't me.

Doc: Your mum is here to talk to you.

I nodded and the doc leaved, then my mum stepped in. She was looking terrible, her makeup was ruined, but it's weird because she never use makeup. She came to my bed and hugged me tight. She then looked at me carefully.

Mum: Oh Rain, oh my little girl, what did you do.

Me: Wait.. my name is Rain?!

Mum: Yes, you're Rainarilyn Felison, don't you remember that?

Me: You wanna say.. I'm famous?!

Mum: Yes.. why are you surprised?

Me: So it's true. This is me. And who are then Marcus and Marti.. nus? Or something like that.

Mum: Oh sweetie, they're not important.

She hugged me once again and then the doc came back in. Behind him was this boy from earlier. And beside this boy was almost the same looking boy. My mum looked angry at them and walked there and started to scream.

Mum: You two! Get away from my daughter!! You shouldn't be here!! OUT!!

Me: Mum shut up and get out!

She looked weird at me and got out crying. She changed. But let's get back to where we are.

Me: Who are you two?

Doc: They were waiting outside, so I let them in. I'll go now.

The doc left and they came to me.

Boy1: I'm Martinus Gunnarsen.

Boy2: And I'm Marcus Gunnarsen.

Both: We're your friends.

Me: Wait, I read about you two in news. Are you two those famous twins?

Marcus: Yes we are.

Then Martinus came closer to me. I didn't feel safe close to him.

Me: Don't come any closer.

Martinus: Uh, okay. I-I I'm gonna leave.

I think he's sad, but I'm not comfortable around him. A voice rushed through my head ?Rain, please wake up'.. It was so familiar voice. I heard it somewhere else before. I heard the door closed and I was alone with the other boy.

Marcus: Uhh, look Rain, I'm really sorry for everything and that I wasn't able to save you.

Me: What do you mean? You wanna say that.. you're the reason I'm here?

Marcus: It's not me. There was a girl that said some things and you ran away. I couldn't catch you and you jumped. It was too late. I didn't keep my promise. You mean the world to me and I was jerk all the time. I can't believe that didn't realize this earlier.

Me: Umm, that's such a sad story but, I'm not comfortable around you and your twin.

Marcus: I understand. Hope to see you at school.

School. Another thing to deal with. I'm so dead. Then mum walked inside.

Mum: Are you ok? Did they do anything to you?

Me: I'm okay.

Mum: Well, we need to get you back. You'll be able to go tomorrow or in some days. You'll have to practice a lot because in two weeks you've got a concert.

Me: No.. that's not me. I can't go there and sing. I don't know anything about singing. I need to go to school and you need to know that I'm taking a break with my career. I don't even know if that's real or not.

Mum: Hon, you can't. We'll lose everything.

Me: I can decide what I'll do!

Mum: No you can't!! You'll sing and that's final!!

She went out angry and doc came in. She gave me some pills and left. I sat up and swallowed them with water. Then I layed down and drifted to sleep.

~~~~~~1 week later~~~~~~

I'm able to go home now. My memory is still lost. I'll go to school tomorrow. I put on my clothes and thanked all the doctors for their help. I still don't really know what happened tho. I don't wanna know for now.

Mum: I'll take you somewhere first.

She drove to a small building. I'm not sure why I'm here. We entered and I saw a hall. We walked down the hall and there were many pictures. On one of them I spotted them. They looked like 12. Marcus og Martinus. Mum was ahead of me so I ran up to her.

Mum: We're here.

We were in front of the big doors and then she opened them. She greeted a man and then we walked through another doors. That's when I heard singing. It was beautiful. We walked there and I saw him. Marcus Gunnarsen.

Me: WOW!

The singing stopped and Marcus and Martinus' heads turned to me. They were looking at me for some time and then smiled. That's when my mum pulled me with her to another room.

Mum: Hon, you'll remember how to sing again.

Me: How many times! I'm taking a break!!

She slapped me and I fell on the floor holding my burning cheek.

One after a long time. Sorry for now writing much. It's just very hard to do so many things, all in the same time..

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