Chapter 8: Special + Episode

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When the children arrived at base, Optimus turned to their guardians as they finished transforming into their bipedal modes. "We're picking up strong energy readings from the Artic."

Sara shivered at the thought of all that snow, practically feeling the freezing temperatures.

"Bumblebee, Bulkhead, I want you to go see what's there." Optimus ordered the pair and the two headed for the ground bridge.

"Well everyone's mom, well except for Miko's cause she's in a different country, said we could stay till ten, so your stuck out here with us for another two hours." Sara informed Optimus and gaining the happy attention of Bee, Arcee, and Bulk, and a not so happy Ratchet.

Sara smiled wider when she got an idea, turning to Jack he looked at her in concern. "Maybe we could go get burgers since the owner of KO Burger updated the kitchen."

"I wanna try this human food!" Bee spoke, Sara knew he wanted to shout in excitement but didn't want to hurt the humans ears, plus he was exiting through the ground bridge with Bulk.

"Can you guy's even eat that stuff, we're squishy your, not." Sara asked but no one answered, shrugged Sara ran up to the loft and jumped into the couch. The group of humans watched TV until some kind of boring commercial came on, Sara looked at the others when she heard someone's stomach growl.

The hunger has set in.

"Alright I'm going to grab some chow, you coming Arcee?" Sara hopped off the couch and slid down the stair railing.

"Gotcha kiddo,"

"Sara do you deem it wise to go by yourself?" Optimus questioned and Sara looked up at him with a cocked eyebrow, "I'm not, Arcee's coming with, not like someone's going to see me and think that it's a good idea to do a surprise adoption."

"Why don't I accompany you?"

Arcee and Sara shared a look and the two soon shrugged at one another. Optimus transformed as Sara headed over, the passenger side door opening to allow Sara in. Said human jumped into the seat and moved her way over to the drivers side. Optimus drove off as the door closed behind Sara.

"Anybody else a little confused?" Arcee asked the others as soon as Optimus left her sight with Sara in his cab.

"Not really, Optimus always did have a soft spot for youngings." Ratchet answered not really putting much thought into the situation.

Sara slouched back into the seat as Optimus stopped at a stop light. "Hey Optimus,"

"Yes Sara," Optimus had his attention on Sara while he accelerated when the light turned green.

"Why did you volunteer to take me, you've never done this before, not even for Raf or Miko." Sara was curious, from what she knew about Optimus, he wasn't a social butterfly. This gave Sara the assumption that he wouldn't enjoy being her guardian due to her need to be with her friends or otherwise. So Sara never asked anything of him outside of base or missions.

Not that She's been allowed on any yet.

"It has come to my attention that out of all our human companions I know the least about you, despite how....." Optimus paused an obvious sign he was trying to find better words to suit his own opinion while not being offensive.

"Eccentric, social, excitable, unique," Sara was thinking of words that could go in there without being insulting.

"Open you are with your passions,"

Now that took Sara by surprised, sure Sara had a hard set of morals that she has only ever broken them herself twice. But no one has ever said it with admiration, personal understanding, or so fatherly on a natural level.

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