Chapter 6

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"Jack wake up, wake up, wake up;" Sara was trying to wake up her brother by bouncing on his body but all he did was push her aside. "Five more minutes Sara it's a Saturday."

Sara started bouncing again, she was getting desperate, "no I want to head back to the base so we can hang out with the others."

Jack groaned before he paused and shot up, "IT WAS REAL!!"

Sara fell to the floor now it was her turn to groan, that really hurt.

Jack was dashing around trying to get himself put together.

"You okay Sara!"

Sara jumped to her feet with a smile, "Yeah just tying to wake up Jack! You know how boys are!" Sara climbed onto her brothers bed and sat there patiently while he was busy getting ready.

"Alright be careful up there you two."

Sara wasn't going to comment on that probability, moms had a sixth sense. "Yes mom!" The twins shouted at the same time as if they've rehearsed this so many times.

"I told Arcee we'd be out in ten, so hurry up." With that Sara got up and flung her hair off her shoulders, closing the door behind her she stood beside it so he wouldn't know she was there. The moment the door so much as cracked, she attacked, "BOO!!"

Jack jumped back in fight, a hand over his chest, "Sara now is not the time to give me a heart attack." Sara couldn't say anything she was laughing to hard.

"Breakfast is ready you two!" Their mom shouted from downstairs, the two twins knew what that meant.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" The two shouted at each other at the same time and started rushing for the stairs, pushing each other away, pulling the other back from the stairs.

It was full blown war for breakfast.

Instead of running down the stairs, Sara hoped onto the railing and slid down as she reached the end she hopped off.
"Cheater!" Jack shouted at her and Sara giggled as she landed in the chair, the chair leaning dangerously to the side, her mom casually pushing it back on it's four feet, landing the chair was now on solid ground.

"Well then don't be such a slow poke." Sara told her brother, the two siblings stuck their tongues out at each other. Jack sitting far calmer than Sara did, their mom sitting down with a cup of coffee in hand. "I will never get tired of seeing you two do that in the mornings."

Sara smiled, as a result of the toaster dinging, their mom putting her coffee down and getting up, walking back with plates of toast and eggs placing each in front of a kid. Sara dug in, their mom returned with drinks, milk.

Sara already had an egg hanging out of her mouth, trying to keep the egg yolk liquid from breaking before it got to her mouth. Jack was eating a piece of toast while their mom passed Sara a napkin to get the yellow yolk off her face.
"But where you get the energy is beyond me."

Sara just looked at her mom while she got busy with the toast. Looking over at Jack she shrugged and talked through the toast, "I don't know."

Done with their breakfast the twins raced for the garage, Jack stood by the door and talked to their mom through the door. "We're heading out mom Sara wanted to show me something! Don't worry if anything happens we got each other's back. Yeah I'll take care of her." Jack closed the door behind him and hopped onto the motorcycle.

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