Chapter 1

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"Prehistoric, I wanna do it by myself," the young Femme complained, rolling his optics at her level of maturity before looking down at her and smiling lovingly. Only a few moments left with her, he wanted to make the most of it.

"I don't know Frosty, are you mature enough with your servos to not cut yourself?"

"I don't know, are you young enough to keep your own servos steady and not cut yourself?" She told him holding her ground, and fearless with her tone.

"Why is it always about my age?" He chuckled softly, he should have expected that, Frosty's one of the most spirited younglings he's ever seen.

"I don't know, why is it always about my maturity?" Frosty rose an optic ridge at him leaning on one ped.

Kindly pointing a didget her way, he laughed softly. "Touche."

Leaning against the keypad in front of him, he rubbed his optics with two didgets. He couldn't believe he lost focus enough to wander back to her.

So close! He was so close to getting her back.

Wham! Just like that gone!

She was everything to him.

He recollected himself; he had to be at his best for the others, and without an assistant. Things could quickly get out of hand, especially with how old he's been feeling these last few cycles.


Three more minutes, just three more and I can leave this torture.

Sara dropped her head wearily onto her desk please just run her over with a bus she gives up, she can't take this anymore.

This place just can't teach teenagers properly, especially with adults who make it boring.

This place is going to scar Sara for life, she just knows it.

Feeling something hit the back of her head, Sara immediately turned around and death glared her brother. He ignored it per the norm, just pointed down at the floor.

Realizing it was a wad of paper she picked it up and opened it.

We work tonight, please don't get detention today.

"So much for following the rules Jack." Sara whispered back to her brother hoping Mr. Weiss won't catch her. "But don't worry Jack, one of my friends got something planned."

Well not really a friend it felt more like a partner in crime. Sara's friends were quiet different then the people she schemed with.

Her friends were to busy chasing boys, but she loved them anyway; besides the boys they hung out with had tolerable days. When she means tolerable Sara really means that they're not being complete idiots.

Sara's attention was grabbed by how aggravatingly quite the class was.

Watching Mr. Weiss push his glasses up Sara groaned in displeasure and leaned her head in her hand.

I really do hope Mr. Weiss forgets his glasses.

"Alright if none of you are going to answer the question, then the first to answer my next question correctly gets to leave early.

Sara groaned, men were so easy.

The moment Sara saw the pencil go flying, she watched a very interesting pencil, head towards Mr. Weiss, and when it hit him in the back of the head. Sara had to put a hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

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