13) Bkdk - 10 Years

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(* Sorry! I lied! No fluff, just pain❤️ Enjoy!)

It was a month away before the students of UA finally graduated from being amateur heroes, to being actual pro heroes. The students could not contain their excitement. Sure, they'd miss each other when they graduated and moved on with their lives, but they had promised to keep in touch and even team up when they had become pros. 

The last three year went by in a flash. So many villains fought, so many people saved, so many bittersweet memories with their friends, and yet Izuku didn't feel like it was enough. 

Obviously he felt very emotional and happy that he got to experience UA with his best friends, but there was still a longing feeling for something, and he knew exactly what he was missing. 

He's not exactly sure when it all started, but ever since he can remember, he's been in love with Katsuki. It's something that has been bothering him ever since, and he'd get frustrated over that simple fact, distracting himself with whatever he could, even overworking himself so he can keep his mind busy to keep Katsuki as far away from his mind as possible. Of course, both of them being at UA and all, kind of hijacked his intentions. 

With graduation day getting closer each day, he started to think about how he should go about facing those feelings, and what his best course of action is. He was not about to get hung up on a boy and ruin his chances of becoming the best hero there is. He was not that stupid. He just wished there was a way for him to get away from Katsuki for a while, to finally be able to forget about him and not hear his name, his voice, his quirk, or anything that might remind him of Katsuki. 

So, he went about meticulously planning his confession and telling the class about it (well, not exactly everything). His friends only looked at him with faces full of sorrow, half expecting the worst, and half not wanting Izuku to actually go through with his plan. No matter what they told him, Izuku had already decided he was going to tell him nonetheless, not wanting to regret anything later on. 

Two weeks had gone by and Izuku felt more nervous by the day. Graduation was in two weeks, the day he'd finally confess to his first and only love. 

This morning, Aizawa sensei had told them they will start to practice their walk to collect their diploma and how they would be seated. The class had gotten really sentimental, a few girls sniffling their tears every now and then, and the boys trying, but failing, to stifle their own tears. 

Uraraka, who had to get up from her seat to talk to Izuku, started full on crying and telling him how much she'd miss him. 

"I'm gonna miss you Deku!"Uraraka sniffled. "I'm not gonna see you again, what am I supposed to do now!" she whined. 

"Oh, shut up, Roundface. I can't believe how much you girls over-exaggerate things. We're all gonna be heroes, of course you'll still be able to see this asshole" Katsuki pointed his thumb over to Izuku, completely annoyed but not irritated by all the sudden waterfalls around him.  

Kaminari heard Katsuki and turned to face Izuku, his red-teared eyes finding Izuku's across the classroom. "Aww, I forgot I wont see you anymore, wahhh!" He poured his eyes out once again, his wobbly mouth opened wide as he continued crying like a child. 

Then the whole class looked at Izuku and continued mumbling their best wishes for Izuku's future and that they'd miss him a whole lot while he was gone. Izuku looked at all of them with red cheeks, tears daring to fall as he told them he'd be okay and that he'd continue to stay in touch whenever he could. 

This whole interaction left Katsuki baffled. "What the hell do you mean he'll be gone?" He quizzically asked to no one in particular. Kirishima heard this and his eyes went wide, realizing Katsuki did not yet know. 

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