14) Bkdk- My Favorite Part

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(*You guys know there was no way I'd miss Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight's birthday, right? Enjoy soft Kacchan!)

Izuku had secretly asked his agency to give him the day off. Of course, he'd have to pretend he was going to work so that Katsuki didn't suspect anything.

He got up early in the morning, showered, ate, and changed into his hero attire. That was his usual routine. Izuku had to make sure he did everything exactly the same as he always did to avoid having Katsuki find out his real intentions.

It was Katsuki's birthday after all, and he was really perceptive when he noticed a change. He had declared he didn't want any parties or presents, but Izuku was too much of a knucklehead to go ahead and actually listen to him. It was Kacchan's birthday, for god's sake. He wanted it to be the best birthday in the world, in the universe even. But they are only human, so they have to work with what they have.

After kissing Katsuki goodbye and leaving his apartment, he quickly went to hide in the backyard. There was no way Katsuki would come out of the back at a time like this since it was only 5:30 am. So, he decided to wait there until Katsuki left the building thirty minutes later. He was secretly grateful for the different agencies they worked for and their different schedules if only for this day, otherwise, this would never have been possible in a million years.

As soon as he made sure Katsuki had left for sure, Izuku quickly went back inside and called his friends waiting for his call. They had all agreed they'd help decorate the apartment whenever they had the chance between their shifts and breaks for when Katsuki came home, and then show up to the party after their shifts later in the evening.

He quickly changed back into his regular clothes and started his long but exciting day ahead of him, preparing everything and taking care of the smallest details. His friends helped set everything up and offered to cook while everyone else kept preparing for the party. They took a few breaks here and there, with many people coming and leaving, but overall it was such a nice feeling of conviviality, and Izuku could feel his heart throb at the usual kindness from his friends.

As everyone started to leave one by one, Izuku was left alone in his apartment and he suddenly found himself reminiscing his high school memories, consequently leaving him feeling very emotional. He immediately shook his head before any tears escaped his eyes and thought about hopping in the shower again to get rid of the sweat he accumulated throughout the day.

Once done, he checked the time and realized his friends would start arriving any second now. He grabbed his pre-planned outfit consisting of a beige tight-fitting shirt and black jeans. It was the best he could come up with even though it was the plainest thing in the world. He didn't think it looked appealing. It was just a plain color-less shirt, I mean, really? But then again, Kacchan loved the way he looked in it so he wore it with no objections.

Closing the bottle to his cologne, he stepped out of the room they shared and waited very patiently for his friends to arrive. Not all of them were able to make it in time because of their schedules, but Izuku was okay with that. He had almost fallen asleep on the couch when he heard his apartment buzzer. He got up and replied for them to come in and opened the door for them. They all looked very nice and dressed up. He could smell the mix of colognes and perfumes as they settled further into the well-lit and decorated space. Ochaco was the first one to offer her bottle of sake, pouring it out into small little cups.

"Here everyone, take one and let's enjoy the party!" She said as she gulped down the drink, everyone else following right after.

Everyone seemed to already be having a good time, and even though this should have made him calm his heart down, he couldn't shake the thought of Katsuki's reaction when he stepped in and saw the lights, and the decorations, and beer, and people.

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